Job Dissatisfaction & High Turnover At Lima Tire Plant

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Job Dissatisfaction & High Turnover At Lima Tire Plant

Job Dissatisfaction & High Turnover At Lima Tire Plant


For years, tire manufacturers have faced a variety of challenges, the biggest rise in raw material costs and fierce global competition. In an effort to reduce operating costs, remain effective and to remain highly profitable, Treadway Tire Company Lima, Ohio to meet their current rate of 46% annual turnover in line foreman. This case study mainly job satisfaction and company morale and cause prices of company turnover.


It is quite evident in the first sentence, "We have a serious problem." The line foreman lack adequate training to do their jobs effectively and have a horrible relationship with his supervisor. There are two clear reasons why many line foreman eventually left the company (Pyatt, 2006):

They have not had adequate training. The 12-hour shifts, a variety of concerns and antagonism of the Union helped to foster a culture that has caused very negative work environment tense and uncomfortable. There was no process of training on the responsibilities of single storey management (Kjerulf, 2006).

There was a conflict between the line foreman and supervisors. Instead of giving the foreman tools and teaching them the skills to do their job, management has simply asked for results. Management often threatened the foreman to do the job, and lack of leadership and cohesion ultimately caused the failure of the system. Foremen were offset by a significantly higher level of pay. They were paid at least $ 30/hr and all had the opportunity for overtime. However, the majority (80%) of these jobs have been internal promotions, however, these unionized workers, not necessarily having any knowledge or management skills (Grey, 2010).

Turnover primary problem

factory management to resolve the problem Turnover primary, we must also assume seeks to answer these secondary concerns (Skinner & Beckham, 2008):

An overhaul in progress, and virtually non-existent business training program is necessary.

Hiring outside the company, candidates with management experience and a set of supervisory skills must increase.

Overall, morale must be improved and the organizational culture must change.

Solution of tires Treadway primary problem

The solution of the main problem Treadway Tire's sales rate implies a simple analysis of the causes involved and recognizing alternative solutions. Very simply, the high turnover of foreman line is because they can not tolerate the environment in which they work. This exposes secondary societal problems: the low morale, inadequate training program because of low-skilled foremen, and a general lack of communication and cohesion. All these together have created a hostile work environment and negative organizational behaviors (Skinner & Beckham, 2008).

Investigations indicate that although the foreman is not the tools to succeed and do not feel they have the support of senior management, they are generally satisfied or apathetic to the morale within the company. I would conclude that the foremen who are satisfied with company morale are not expressing their true opinions, and those who are apathetic, are the next to go (Grey, ...
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