Judaism And Christianity

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Judaism and Christianity

Answer A1:

Strengths of Judaism

Creative Liturgy and the Cult

The liberal movement has excelled in creative liturgy and development of religion, and it continues today. In fact, aesthetics, Kavanna the rouah, a religious service are necessary ingredients that can help turn a synagogue in a spiritual community attractive. In-depth study of Rabbi Sid Schwarz Finding a Spiritual Home among the ten strategies proposed to transform the communities in creative ways, three relate to worship: to ensure that the community sings with more melodies new and simple; make experiences with prayer liturgies variants using movement, dance, meditation and ultimately encourage agencies led by the laity so that members take ownership of how strong their traditional liturgy.

Scientific study and criticism of texts and Jewish history Another "homerun" on the achievements of Judaism (I apologize to non-American audiences who are perhaps not very sensitive to the baseball metaphors) is in the field of modern science or Wissenschaft, the scientific study and textual criticism and history Jews. The historical study of Jewish societies of the past continues to throw new light on the nature of religious and spiritual life of our ancestors. It also shows the dynamics and evolutionary aspects of Judaism as a civilization.

Interreligious Dialogue There are other areas where the liberal movement has excelled. Our movement and its rabbis have made and continue to make significant contributions in interreligious dialogue. In addition we have invested significant energy and resources to create successful youth movements and camp programs. Many of our synagogues, religious schools have introduced innovative programs that are the subject of praise even outside of Judaism.

Ethics, Advocacy and Social Action I totally agree with Rabbi Saperstein on the fact that our greatest strengths lie in ethics, especially in advocacy and social action. Today the American liberal movement shares its expertise in this field with the Masorti, the Reconstructionist and even some Orthodox Jews who participate in programs supported by the Religious Action Centre. In Israel, through the work of the Israel Religious Action Centre, our movement has received strong praise and excellent visibility especially on the part of Israeli Jews and secular culture. While the equivalent of the Religious Action Centre does not yet exist in Europe, individual rabbis, liberal communities are still engaged in programs of social action and tikkun olam in their respective countries.

Weaknesses of Judaism

Religious Commitment Considering that the liberal movement is an authentic expression of Judaism for Jews to remain deeply engaged in their tradition, we cannot deny the fact that many of our members have only minimal religious commitment. Not only their level of religious practice is low, but it is the same on their knowledge of Jewish texts. It therefore behooves us, our rabbis, lay leaders and educators to renew and strengthen our efforts to provide our members with multiple learning experiences, creative and challenging. In addition we must encourage and promote the celebration of some but not all Jewish holidays, the adoption of more rituals at home and more frequent ...
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