Julius Caesar: The Last Dictator Of Rome

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Julius Caesar: The Last Dictator of Rome

Julius Caesar: The Last Dictator of Rome


Julius Caesar's political astute and efforts provided him an edge in the roman republic. He earned a terrific support and power in Rome for a long period of time. Unfortunately, some senate members feared Caesar's popularity and considered his autocratic rule as a threat to the republic. They assassinated him in cold blood to put an end to his legacy, but he is still recognized as an outstanding leader of the roman republic.

Thesis Statement

Caesar played a significant role in the transformation of Roman Republic into Roman Empire. However, his reputation as a dictator and a reformer is controversial. This paper details out Julius Caesar's governance of Rome. The purpose is to analyze Caesar's early political career, his military conquests, political reforms, assassination conspiracy scheme and his legacy throughout the world.


Early life

Julius Caesar (13 July 100 BC- 15 March 44 BC) is considered as an active transformer of Roman Republic. Caesar was born during the era of unrest and turmoil in Rome. He belonged to a noble family and had political aspirations from an early age. He was a driven individual who wanted to accomplish highest position in Roman politics.

During the rule of Sallu in 82 BC, Caesar escaped Rome following sallu's threats, but in 78 BC, he returned Rome with the hope of having political power. Caesar became a lawyer and had some of Sallu's supporters executed. He assembled a small army in BC 75, which proved to be a significant walk in his political career.

Political career

Caesar was not just a general but also a shrewd politician. He relished the Roman politics and used a number of political tactics to win over his enemies and gain supporters. Caesar won the election for the post of Pontifex Maximus despite rumors of corruption and bribery. It was a significant post which made him the chief priest of the religion of Roman state. Politics and war were inseparable in the Roman Republic. Success in military conquests ensured an acknowledged political career, which brought about ample opportunities of military command. It is essential to look into Caesar's military conquests in order to analyze the political success he acquired.

Military conquests and Advancements

The first Triumvirate

After getting elected to the high position of consul in 59 BC, he established a secret alliance with the two most powerful men in Rome, known as the First Triumvirate. One of the members in this alliance was the leader of the military in east called Pompey, and the other was the richest man in Rome called Crassus. This alliance proved to be influential on military and economic fronts for each member.

The conquest of Gaul

Caesar assembled an army and left for Gaul in 58 BC under this alliance. For the next seven years, he kept fighting the Gallic wars and conquered the Gallic tribes. In Gaul, Caesar faced the most serious opposition from Vercingetorix, whom he defeated in Alesia in 52 B.C. by the end of the wars, Rome ...
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