King Philip II And The Kingdom Of France

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King Philip II and the Kingdom of France


The paper discusses the development and rule of France's best emperor to date. The paper highlights the early life of Phillip II, his marital life and his role as a warrior and ruler after he assumed his throne. The paper clearly hints on the accomplishments achieved by King Phillip II and the hurdles he faced in attaining those accomplishments. Moreover, the paper highlights his services for his nation in order to bring prosperity in the region.


The world is full of the history regarding numerous empires, kingdoms and realm ruled by various rulers. All the regions in the world were either ruled by democratic governments, authoritative rules or by one dominant person revered as king or queen. Every ruler in the past had his own fashion and manner of running his empire, ruling his kingdom and governing his people; and his governance style directly impacted on the progress, development and stability of his kingdom. There exists a great correlation between the public of the region and the figure governing it; if the ruler is caring and possesses kindness and sympathy, not only will the public be loyal to the ruler but will work along with the ruling authority for the progress of the kingdom.

There have been various regions in the world that were once part of, or under the influence of kingdom. This kingship was extremely prevalent in Europe; therefore, even France was also once part of a kingdom. The kingdom of France reflected strength and mightiness.

Often in a kingdom, the crown passes along in the family. The legitimate heir of the king is bestowed with the honor of succeeding the existing king. Similarly, even the kingdom of France was subjected to such tradition and paved ways for various kings till the kingdom lasted. The kingdom of France is believed to have extended from 843 A.D to 1492 A.D. However, the kingdom was brought to an end by the abolishment of the monarchies that had governed France for centuries. The monarchy was gradually shifted to constitutional monarchy and then the ultimate abolishment; and finally the kingdom of France was converted to the First French Republic in 1792.

Philip II and the Kingdom Of France

Early Life

The legitimate heir of King Louis VII, Philip II, was born in 1165 A.D. Philip was born to the third wife of King Louis's wife, Adele of champagne. King Philip II was the first and eldest son of King Louis, and half brother to various heirs of dynasties, such as Champagne, Venix, and other dynasties of France/Europe. After his birth, Philip II was even nicknamed The God Given. Following the ailing condition of Louis VII, King Philip was named as the legitimate heir of the crown succeeding his father, in 1179. However, Philip II was formally bestowed with the crown in 1180, following the death of his father and the ruler of France. After Phillip attained the crown, his uncles bearing the kingship and important positions of champagne, Reims, Blois and Chartres, ...
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