Latin American History

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Latin American History

Latin American History


The history of America is the period of time which includes the settlement of the continent to the formation of the great American civilizations. This is a time of great interest and research since the American continent was the only piece of land on the planet that had isolated human development until his encounter with the cultures of Europe, Africa and the rest of the world. This does not mean that there was some form of minimal interaction or meaningful to the rest, but the American people did not participate in the historical events and achievements that joined to other continents until 1492. The prehistory of America is the subjects of ongoing study given the many unanswered questions remain strong, as the theories of settlement and the history and development of many Native American peoples. In the prehistoric American Clovis culture (approximately 13,500 years ago), is the most archaeological remains which allows left and get an idea of the intense activity of the hunters and gatherers that lived on the continent.


From Mexico to Argentina, Latin American countries form a community of nations, twin in many cases by a common language, Spanish, common cultural traditions and historical evolution often converged. But beyond the language, history has forged a common fate even for areas such as Brazil and the Antilles Francophiles speak Romance languages other than Spanish. The geographical diversity, highlighted by the difficulty of communication, such as ethnic and strength of individuals, often accentuated by the interference power interests outside the area, explains the failure of the Bolivarian ideal of equal union of all Latin American peoples.

Upper Peru depended administratively on the viceroyalty of Peru until 1776, the year in which it was incorporated into the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata. The colonial period was marked by constant clashes between Spaniards and carioles to gain political control and economic power, which was derived from the exploitation of silver mines, and the numerous Indian uprisings that were the outcome of a situation of exploitation and abuse. The government of Santa Cruz was an attempt to democratize the political system (back to the system of the three powers and the abolition of the presidency for life) and modernization of the economic system (stimulation of large infrastructure projects, railways, timid industrialization). However, the Confederation aroused the suspicions of those warlords who were undermining their power. Moreover, the union of both countries meant a threat to Chile, which led to this country to declare the war, although the underlying problem was not the union of two republics, but the dispute over the rich deposits of saltpeter that housed the Swiss territory.

Protectionist measures were not accepted by those foreign groups linked to the Chilean economy, which added to the war that pitted the three republics. Santa Cruz could not cope with all these adversities and was defeated in Peru in 1839 by the Chilean army, which did away with the Confederacy. Global Capitalism and Latin America has a historical starting ...
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