Leadership Vs. Management

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Leadership Vs. Management

Leadership Vs. Management


Management is not leadership just as leadership is not management. In order to differentiate between the two we must ask ourselves which we relate to more, or rather, which we consider ourselves to be by asking the question which am I? Am I a Manager or can I consider myself a Leader? What type of person makes a good manager? What type of personality is best for leaders?


Management is defined as "The people who administer a company, create policies, and provide the support necessary to implement the owners' business objectives". (www.duke.edu/~charvey/Classes/wpg/bfglosm.htm). A manager sets goals and controls by directing, reacting and demanding improvement. Managers demonstrate rationality and control. Managers are problem solvers who often ask the question "what is the problem that needs to be solved" and how do we solve it in the most efficient manner so that people will stay motivated and continue to contribute to the organization to the best of their ability? Managers are often persistent, tough-minded, hard working, intelligent, analytical, and tolerant. Many managers are task oriented and have the bottom line of the organization in mind. My organization has a lot of managers, all of whom are very task oriented having only the success of the company in mind while often neglecting the feelings of their subordinates in the process. The management within my organization lacks some of the basic skills required to be good leaders, however, many of them have the skills to be great managers.


There are many types of leaders with different personalities and styles of leadership. Leadership has been defined as direction, conduction; guidance Leadership is the art of creating an environment and influencing people to willingly follow a chosen direction. A leader provides a clear vision and guides followers along a path that realizes that vision. Leadership directly affects the opinions and attitudes of people, leading to changes in each individual's behavior then the behavior of the group as a whole. Leadership helps individuals and groups accept uncertainty, and change because they have the confidence to know that the leader will provide solutions to any problems that may arise. Leaders tend to want to change the process for the betterment of the group rather than the bottom line of the company. Leaders can see the big picture (Thomas and Bateman 2009).

Roles and Responsibilities

The terms Leader and Manager are often heard used interchangeably although they are distinctly different. A Manager is responsible for setting goals while Leaders are responsible for ensuring that those goals are achieved. In my organization the Controller is responsible for hiring and firing of employees while the Foreman is responsible for maintaining morale in order to retain employees rather than have to retrain someone new the leader or foreman in this case explains the job and the employees responsibility to that job and tries to ensure that each employee is happy and productive in order to lessen the negative effects of management on each employee (Thomas and Bateman ...
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