Legal Immigrants From Mexico

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Legal Immigrants from Mexico

Thesis Statement

Immigration worsens Mexico poverty because immigrants add directly to the population of the poor and immigration adds to poverty indirectly by driving down the income and employment rates of poorer Americans through economic competition.


As you can see, I already had a viewpoint before I started my research. To some extent I agree that the aliens also have the right to invest in them selves and to achieve the American dream, especially since the society itself is a community of immigrants. The only difference is that there are ancient immigrants and recent ones. But this concept would only convince an immigrant like me, but Americans themselves must be thinking differently. For sure, they are thinking about their own good. They don't care if they are treating those immigrants the same way their grandparents had been treated when they had first arrived.

Reasons why I Agree

immigrants add directly to the population of the poor

immigration adds to poverty indirectly by driving down the income and employment rates of poorer Americans through economic competition

Immigration accounts directly and indirectly for two-thirds of the current Mexico population growth


Immigration worsens Mexico poverty in two ways. First, immigrants add directly to the population of the poor. Rubenstein points out that about 16 percent of America's poor are immigrants. Second, immigration adds to poverty indirectly by driving down the income and employment rates of poorer Americans through economic competition. In 2002, poverty rates for black Americans rose and their median household income fell. Many black Americans are being pushed into the underclass by immigration (O'Sullivan, pp 23-181).

Immigration accounts directly and indirectly for two-thirds of the current Mexico population growth. Immigration accounts directly and indirectly for approximately two- thirds of current Mexico population growth; and this process is picking up speed. The Census Bureau had predicted (in its 1990 Middle Series projections) that between now and 2050, the population would grow to 328 million without immigration and to 404 million on present immigration trends (Bacon, pp 34-292).

Believe it or not, legalizing illegal immigrants will actually help stop illegal immigration. As stated before, the main reason for having illegal immigrants coming through the borders is that those people are needed by business owners. There is a demand that needs to be supplied. Legalizing them will supply such demands (Porter, pp 34-82). Once the business owners are satisfied there will be no reason to have weak borders. ...
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