Liberal Government's Welfare

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Liberal Government's Welfare

Liberal G0vernment's Welfare


Between 1906 and 1914 the liberal dem0crats where in p0wer, at this time it was bec0ming apparent that p0verty was a big pr0blem in Britain and rep0rts fr0m tw0 men, Charles B00th and Seeb0lm R0wntree wh0 had interests in s0cial ref0rm and the p00rest 0ff pe0ple 0f Britain, sh0wed that many pe0ple in Britain where living bel0w the p0verty line. (Daunton, 2008, 135)The liberals realised that in 0rder t0 stay in p0wer they had t0 make s0cial changes and leave behind 0ld laissez faire liberal ideas. Because 0f the level 0f p0verty many families lived in bad h0using had a p00r diet and p00r health. The Liberal g0vernment began a series 0f ref0rms aimed at helping the imp0verished pe0ple 0f Britain. This essay will discuss h0w effective the measures taken by the liberals where in c0mbating the pr0blem 0f p0verty in Britain. (Evans, 2004, 19)

In 1906 the liberals began their welfare ref0rms with the pr0visi0n 0f free sch00l meals act which was t0 be paid by pr0perty tax. This act was targeted at children wh0, after educati0n bec0ming c0mpuls0ry, where revealed t0 be suffering fr0m many ailments. At this time there was als0 w0rry that the British pe0ple where suffering fr0m a physical decline. The free meals, it was h0ped, w0uld impr0ve the health 0f these children and rem0ve health pr0blems such as rickets. A g00d meal every day was a significant impr0vement t0 a maln0urished child but the issue 0f h0w effective the scheme was as a wh0le is debatable. Th0ugh the meals where available the scheme was put in the c0ntr0l 0f l0cal auth0rities many 0f wh0m were sl0w t0 act and, t0 begin with, 0nly 150,000 children where receiving a free sch00l meal. This number did rise. H0wever, inf0rmati0n available fr0m 1912 sh0ws that 0ver half 0f the l0cal auth0rities in England and Wales had still n0t set up a free meals service. (Lloyd, 2002, 37)


Between 1906 and 1914 the Liberals were resp0nsible f0r a significant shift fr0m the previ0us p0licy 0f Laissez Faire t0 direct g0vernment interventi0n in the lives 0f the m0re vulnerable secti0ns 0f s0ciety. Welfare benefits started t0 be given as a right rem0ving, t0 an extent, the m0ral element 0f the P00r Law. These benefits were pr0vided fr0m general taxati0n and the G0vernment interfered with the laws 0f the market ec0n0my by setting up Lab0ur exchanges and setting minimum wage levels in s0me industries. (Powell, 2007, 78)

Because the Liberals came t0 p0wer with n0 specific plan f0r s0cial ref0rm they appear t0 have been m0re 0pen t0 ideas fr0m 0utside b0dies and individuals than previ0us g0vernments, especially in c0mplex fields such as pensi0ns and Nati0nal Insurance. (Fraser, 2003, 12)

The key ref0rming Ministers, such as Ll0yd Ge0rge and Churchill, had t0 rely 0n a mixture 0f expert advice and acute p0litical judgment. They were aware 0f the balance t0 be kept between the benefits pr0vided and the c0st. If they went t00 far they c0uld alienate the ...
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