Life Event

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Life Event

Life Event

By any ordinary standard my life has not been what you would call phenomenal. To tell you about my life would be like listening to your neighbor's life history……… not very interesting and yet not too mediocre either. Hence I don't know where to begin. But start I must for all stories have a beginning they say and one can never say the direction it can take in due time.

I have always been an average child to say the least. Much to the disappointment of my parents I was never quite the whiz kid that they expected me to be. Being an only child of two loving parents I have been given everything that I could possibly ask for. Of course I have my moments of disillusionment but that's what makes all of us human right? As a kid I experienced so many different things - pain, joy, love, humiliation - all in one go. It was like a roller-coaster ride, with its ups and downs. So I may not be a celebrity but my life has been pretty interesting at least for me.

As a kid I remember being the object of ridicule and mockery sometimes. Being the happy-go-lucky sort of person that I am I took it all in the stride but things changed with one small sentence. A kid at school told me that since I was the color of mud so that is just where I belonged - at the bottom of the earth. I didn't know how to react. Later when I went home and told my parents, they were infuriated and complained to the principal and subsequent action was also taken but that incident will remain etched in my memory forever because it crudely reminded me that I was not just like ...
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