Low Wage Employment

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Low wage employment

Low wage Employment


America is one the most prosperous and proves a significant progress towards the every field of economy and social benefits of society. They contributed a lot towards the racial, ethnic and gender equality, but still there remains much to be done. The wage gap has been noticed not across the racial, ethnic and gender equality only, but also between the countries or skilled, unskilled workers too. A recent survey predicted that.

Gender-Wage Disparity

Gender difference prevails in the society since the earliest time of human history. Although it has been eliminated from America, but some crust remains in the society in terms of indirect ways. Wage disparity is one of them, and it has always been a controversial topic for everyone. According to a research women earn 44% less than a man during the term period from1983-2000. Currently it is being noticed that gap is decreasing marginally up to 21%. The radical differentiation is due to opting factor for working patterns, industries and occupations in genders (Furchtgott, 1999).

Differences in Types of Jobs and Industries

The so called “man job” and women job” still exist in the society and usually those jobs, which are done by men are paid more than those paid to women. Rose Hartman explained three tiers scheme in his book “Still a Man's Labor Market”. The first tier elite women are usually teachers or doctors whereas man concentrates on being scientists, doctors, lawyers and business executives. The second tier jobs for women are secretarial while men are blue collar workers. The lowest tier concentrates on women as sales persons and men as factory job workers. Within all these tiers, 75% of any occupations consist of only one gender and women job are paid less than male.

Men tend to choose hard science majors, while women choose humanities and education the less stressed subjects. The ratio of women earning physical science degree was 35% and 27% in computers in 2009. Rose Hartman clarifies that men chooses professions in which they are skilled or onerous then chosen by women. The clear example for this can be that there are more female nurses than female doctors (Furchtgott, 1999).

Work Pattern

The major factors contributing to work are the amount of leave taken, years of experience in the job force and the number of hours worked per year. The GAO case study states that numbers of working years of men are more than women (men have average 20 years of experience, while women have average 12). Family matters, marriage and children, have always were a priority for any women. According to Furchtgott-Roth and Stolba, working difference is the choice. It is found that women who spent most of time studying and less in marriage spent the most time at work and vice versa. Similar is the case with having children, more time they spent in caressing children less time they earn. While for men, it is the opposite case.

Causes of Existing Discrimination

Women are being stereo typed in labor simulated market ...
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