Lowering The Drinking Age

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Lowering the Drinking Age


Recently, university leaders have re-introduced an argument over the effectiveness and the logic behind the forbiddance and a move to lower the age of drinking to eighteen is attaining the momentum. In reaction to far-flung drunk driving fatalities amongst young people during the 1970s, the United States Congress authorized a law in the 1984 that in effect changed magnitude the legal drinking age from eighteen to twenty one. Adolescent drinking has farseeing been an interest of the policy makers in the U.S. Among additional disputations, exponents lay claim that the present law is discriminative and has in reality put up to growth in alcohol abuse within the directed group of age. Resisters of the measure assert that the present law has carried through numerous lives and also is part of a valuable strategy to battle against the phenomenon nationwide that is alcoholism.


From the time when the age for the drinking was place at 21, it is observed that there has been disagreement among the people. Most of the Americans consider that if a young person is mature enough to risk his life protecting his country at the age of 18 then these young adults are also young enough to drink alcohol. Moreover, the group of people who are not in favor of lowering the age of drinking, call attention towards the fact that critical automobile accident have been on a decrease from the time when the age of the drinking age was set to 21.

There do seem advantages and disadvantages of lowering the age of drinking. Americans who accept as true that an 18 year old child or the adult can be accountable when drinking may reflect the drinking age of 18. It is probable that decreasing the age of drinking could throw a point to the young Americans that they can be relied to give you an idea about a stage of the maturity. This in response may effect in additional liable adults and the students of the college. (Inwright, 2003)

Most of the teenagers are receiving the message through parents, school and also through the media that drugs or the alcohol are injurious and destructive for their health. But a lot of are still not getting or are prefer to ignore the point. The best approach to contest abuse of the teenage drug is by educating them that also means time after time talking about the drugs both informally and formally. (Hingson, Jamanka and Voas, 2002)

Lowering the Drinking Age

The existing age limit is not an effective restriction because it can never be completely imposed. Those below the age of 21 frequently use false IDs or have older friends to buy alcohol for them. The law is even more difficult w enforce on college campuses, where young people from 18 to 22 years old socialize together and older students regularly purchase alcohol that is consumed by younger students. (Musto, 2002)

Although, the drinking has demonstrated and disastrous consequences and government has a strong interest in preventing these costs ...
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