Maintaining Leadership In Team Work

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Maintaining Leadership in Team Work

Maintaining Leadership in Team Work


Teamwork is a group of people together to achieve a single result. The division of effort can be linked into a single coordinated outcome, where the whole is more and different from the sum of its different parts. "Synergy" is a group of people who must collaborate to some extent to achieve their goals. Structured set of relations in which managers have responsibilities to be met together, a common goal or goals related and which from the beginning to some extent clarify the relationships of authority.

Discussion and analysis

The Key with which a leader communicates with employees and other individuals resides in the thoughts and feelings that can be base upon his attitudes. Because potential stressful issues and events arise when one's thoughts and feelings label them as such, The Key therefore becomes a very valuable element unproductive stress management. The self-perception, purpose, internal power versus external force, and adaptive skills and strategies of effective leaders also addressed. The nature of stress, stress-reducing guidelines, recognition and response to stress, and the A-B-C paradigm of stress management are dealt with as important dimensions for the responsive leadership of stress management in organizational development. Throughout the material, examples used to illustrate more fully the importance of The Key for effective stress management by responsive organizational leaders (Allen, 2004, 434-61).

There are three key areas of need that should be met by management, which include task needs, team maintenance needs and individual needs. If all these needs were met, Adair12 agrees that effective leadership would be achieved. This then can lead to performance indicators allowing measurements of achievements and comparisons to be made, and future decisions can be made based on the information gained.

Conditions to have a team of work:

Having clear goals, commit to them, have a team organization with clearly defined roles and rules.

Synergy: be clear that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Having a clear mission and shared goals. Having the desire and need to work together to achieve them.

Most important is the goal. If properly identified and get people to commit to him, he has 50% of the armed team, and is united to face this common goal, which cannot achieve individually

Leadership and Management

Leadership and management plays a vital role in making the business reaches its milestone. Leadership and management roles include formulating strategies, making business processes efficient, understanding the expectations of employees, making necessary changes before something negative occurs which hampers organizational success. When the leadership of the organization is highly efficient, the employees take the leaders as role models and their behaviours are derived by the behaviour of leaders (Jessup, 1990, 79-83).

When there are times if drastic changes, employees of the organization expect the management efficiently plan and execute the decisions. The perception of leaders in the eye of the follower is as a support, concern, and commitment. The leadership must enrich and develop strategically for the success of the ...
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