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Performance Management System

Table of Contents


Definitions and Etymology1

Research Abstracts1

(Part - 1) Literature Review4

Conceptual learning and theories4

Relationship between Performance Management and Motivation4

Relationship between Performance management and Reward4

Components of performance management systems5

General Processes of Performance Management6

Factors considered when managing performance6

Article Analysis7

Article # 1:7



Article # 2:10




(Part - 2) Case Analysis - Application13

Case Introduction (Whole Foods Market)13

Change Management Process13

Strategic Analysis of the company for developing PMSI plan14





Problem Area's16

Creating 5 year Strategic Plan16

Customer Satisfaction17

Employee Management17

Strategic Plan for Performance management and Evaluation18

Bonus Allocation18

Motivation and Job rotations19

Impact of the change Initiation19

(Part - 3) - Practical Case Study (Ramada Jervis - Performance Management)20


History on Ramada Jarvis HR process20

Recruitment and selection process21

Types of Employment and Contracts21

Main Issues21

Interview Analysis of Janet Gray, human resources director, Ramada Jarvis Hotels22

The aims and roles of performance management system22

The process of implementing performance management at Ramada Jarvis23

Adoption of performance management tools24

Importance of Performance Management at Ramada Jarvis25


Performance Management System


Definitions and Etymology

The management of performance in the organization is considered as achieving the corner stone of the efficiencies within the employees and the organization, which is why there is a constant concern of the institutions to improve management systems that strengthen it.

The performance is defined as those actions or the behaviors in the employees who perform in relevance to the organization objectives in relational with the development of the personal goals and developments. Performance management is the measurement of responsibilities on each individual in an organization and how that responsibility do is conducted by the person, in terms of the responsibilities of each individual and their level of contribution to the company.

The International Standard 3000, meanwhile, defines job performance, from two angles: the proper work and superior work, conceptualizing the latter as job performance and worker's superior performance with high social economic impact, this and identified future competencies required for office work. This performance corresponds to strategic behavior, i.e. the competence to achieve the strategy of the entity.

Research Abstracts

This research study is the planning and the implementation of 5 year performance management plan. The main aim of this research plan is to develop the performance principle goals of the organization internally to identify, recruit, and provide leadership development for both instructional and administrative positions. This would ultimately create a new leadership cadre within the organization.

This study is divided into two parts. Firstly research will explore the concept of Performance Management with respect to Motivation, Self-Esteem, Morale and Professional Development of the employee and its requirements in any organization, in a holistic context. This part will be accompanied by the theoretical research and analysis of given article on the performance management of the organization. The discussion will be based on how companies get their employees motivated through various programs and techniques. Further, the literature review will include the generic scope of the study.

The second part of the research will be a hypothetical case analysis on 'The Food Market' where the case about 3p's of the Whole Foods Market in US will be discussed. The research will answer the basic questions in the context of being a performance management ...
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