Management By Walking Around

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Management by Walking Around

Management by Walking Around

All data analyzed were from the initial test administration except for Hypothesis 2. The first research Hypothesis was addressed by using one-way ANO VA. Questions 2 through 10 were addressed by using two-way ANOVA. Each time period represented a different week in the study. That is, the initial testing administration occurred within 72 hours of arrival and the follow-up administration of testing for each participant 30 days thereafter.

Hypothesis 1

Most female inmates believe that Management by Walking Around at Lee Arrendale State Prison opens the lines of communication between management and inmates.

Hypothesis 1 examined the differences among the three ethnic groups on the four measures of psychological adjustment. At the bottom of each table are pair-wise comparisons with the difference observed, the t-values and the effect size (ES). Numbers in parentheses are the differences that would have been needed to reach statistical significance at the .05 Level for a two-tailed test.

Hypothesis 2

Most female inmates believe that Management by Walking Around at Lee Arrendale State Prison increases the professionalism of the line staff that they come in contact with on a daily basis.

This Hypothesis sought to determine if differences existed between two time periods. Also, interaction with ethnicity was examined. Table 6 shows there were no statistically significant differences from Time 1 (initial) and Time 2 (follow-up) on any of the available measures. Essentially the finding of this part of the data analysis suggests that the participants were not significantly different at Time 2 than they were at Time 1. Although the means were different, these differences were not statistically significant. Also, no significant interactions were found between ethnicity and time among all three groups.

Hypothesis 3

A higher percentage of female inmates at Lee Arrendale State Prison believe that the practice of Management by Walking Around increases the safety of the facility and makes them feel safer and secure in the prison environment.

Hypothesis 3 investigated whether differences exist when each test instrument was administered first or not. The data analysis also included interaction with ethnicity. The findings indicated that none of the measures showed significant differences among the groups as seen in Table 7. No significant ethnicity by order type interactions, were found for any of the dependent measures.

The results of the present study illustrates that no significant differences existed among the three ethnic group samples on measures of initial psychological adjustment to a state prison environment for 90 first time female prisoners. The findings suggest that ethnicity did not contribute significantly along with other variables to these female prisoners' initial adjustment. The present investigation supports previous research findings of others (Wright, 1989; Goodstein & MacKenzie, 1984; Finn, 1995; Oldroyd & Howell, 1977) that found that ethnicity was not a significant contributing factor for females adjusting to a prison setting. Several factors may account for these findings.

In fact, it is Wright's (1989) contention that different ethnic groups experience incarceration more similarly than dissimilarly. Moreover, it is Wright's view that it is ...
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