Management Theories

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Management Theories and its Application in Telstra

[Name of the institute]Management Theories and its Application in Telstra


The world in which we live today has become extremely competitive. Everything is changing so frequently and at a rapid pace. These changes are taking place as a result of technological advancements and development of new methodologies. In this rapidly changing world, it is difficult for people to stay abreast of the changes that are taking place. It is because of which people face problems and seek the assistance and guidance of others. Change is a concept that is not new it is there from the beginning of this universe. Everything is changing and developing from time to time. People have always shown their desire to seek the guidance and support of others to adopt changes. This search of support by people gives rise to the concept of management. Management is a concept that is wide and broad. The concept of management is there from so long and it's evolving from time to time. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about the same concept of evolution of management. The following part of the paper describes evolution of management by describing classical management theory and contemporary management theory and its application in an organization.

Introduction to Management Theory

In order to understand the concept of management in a professional and technical way a lot of attempts have been made. For that a number of theories have been proposed to show different ideas about the concept of management. In Europe and in United States, to get the understanding of the newcomers to industrial life by the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century early management presented a number of theories. This includes scientific management theory, classical organization theory, behavioral school and management science. Different theories of management present different aspects of management. Broadly, different theories of management that are presented over the period of time can be categorized in two segments which are classical management theory and contemporary management theories (Boddy, 2009, pp. 10-15).

Features and Background of Classical Management Theories

The pillars of the classical theory of management developed before industrialization. In the centuries before industrialization, there were significant changes in the concepts of authority and power. It is known that there were three fundamental bases for legitimizing the authority. These three fundamental bases are: tradition, charisma and law (rational basis). During the period before industrialization, there was a tendency to base the authority on the legal tradition. Today, in organizations tend to base their authority on the charisma, skills and expertise.


The classical theorists were primarily concerned with the maintenance of control from the top of an organization. They wrote at a time when relatively little was understood about the ways in which organization design can affect human motivation and about the human relations aspects of management and work organization. The classical school of management held the view that there were universal principles that can be applied ...
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