Marriage And Family Counseling

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Marriage and Family Counseling


The paper identifies the importance of family counseling that leads towards a successful marriage bonding. Thus, marriage counseling has long been used sparingly with advice. The Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling Assessment Competencies provide a description of the knowledge and skills counselors aspire to possess in order to be effective in assessment and evaluation. It also discusses the various aspects that could help in improving the relationship bonding.

Marriage and Family Counseling


Marriage is a partnership. Each partner should contribute 100% to the marriage effort in order to experience marital success. The couple must cooperate as a team in order to coexist effectively. If the partners do not accept each other, appreciate each other's talents and skills, and learn how to relate to each other, chances are their marriage will not last. Much of what is experienced in failed marriages is due to miscommunication and unrealistic expectations. In many cases, these habits are learned in the environments from which the partners emerge. The combination of environment, life experiences, and education helps to develop each person's belief system. In other words, a person's family and society contribute largely to his or her behavior and ultimately affect his or her ability to function in marriage. Family is one of the most important institutions in support of individuals. It always has been. Since the dawn of humanity, family has been at the core of what is wrong and what is right. Adam and Eve, the first married couple, set the stage for family relationships and what can be expected when couples unite in marriage. Cain and Abel are a good example of what can happen when individuals exert their personalities in conjunction with learned behaviors to create negative outcomes. Abram and Lot exhibit the care of extended families. Abraham and Sarah lived in a successful loving relationship (Sharf, 2004).

Contents of marriage counseling

A consultant has always been someone who is familiar with a topic; you can describe your problem and then tells you the possible solutions to the problem: He gives you advice on what to do. Hence the name originally comes marriage counseling. The term marriage counseling suggests the idea that the partner can remain passive in the search for a solution. But this is not the case and thus raises the question whether the term marriage counseling is appropriate.

Consultant in the psychological field has long recognized that the giving of advice generally is not successful. Because advice is often assumed or they do not even help much. The person seeking advice, which is important to feel a change, then in marriage counseling is not in good hands (Papp, 2003).

For this reason, it is in marriage counseling has long been used sparingly with advice. Instead, work with typical therapeutic methods: problem solutions will be developed jointly with the person seeking advice in a lengthy process tried and possibly also corrected several times. The methods of marriage counseling today are usually consistently therapeutic ...
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