Marshallian Puzzle Of Sharecropping

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The Marshallian Puzzle of Sharecropping

The Marshallian Puzzle of Sharecropping


It is a contract whereby one party, called the owner, agrees with another, called the tenant, the mutual exploitation in collaboration with a rural farm or a portion thereof, to divide among themselves the fruits or profits resulting from exploitation. The partnership agreement should always record in writing, authenticated before a judge of the respective municipality or, failing that, to the mayor for the property is located. It must determine the following; determining the extent of the property or the parcel to the contract, determining the type of crop under contract, determine the portion of land for exclusive use and enjoyment of the tenant, in order to establish key performance suddenly crops for food and determination of the fixed term agreed upon, which may not be less than three years. (In the semi-permanent crops, the period shall start from the date on which at least 50% of plantations into production). The payment agreed with the tenant should be given in percentage value of the plot, cattle pasture, room for himself and his family, food, maintenance rights of a number of livestock, etc.


Tenant "has proven to be one of the most flexible economies" (Taslim, 1992, p. 254-275) and a significant geographical spread, most of the developing countries in Africa and Asia as well as developed as the United States countries. Though, that is inefficient in his tenant's land use system, the Marshall analysis. Although not a long time share tenancy scientific discussion of a controversial empirical, theoretical cause and effect on their debate and in the sustainability and efficiency of its emergence in the 20th century, especially 60 years of its starting point, in the extensive analysis, which showed that in some cases, share tenancy can be efficient. Federico pointed out that this vigorous debate, the challenges can be traced back as tenants, one of its basic principles, the low efficiency of the rise of institutional economics, "rational and informed the actor will be the largest by output of the solution. Another crucial basis is the development assistance programs, from the developed nations to less developed nations. Therefore, the debate and the effective allocation of resources and the 'right' system of land use rights of empirical evidence into the policy development are essential (Giovanni 2006, p. 101-105).

In this paper we will discuss the efficiency of the Marshall parameters (Part II) and analysis of contradictions (Part III). I will discuss a) length of the landlord model, B) include the issue of incentives and C) of uncertainty. Because this analysis does not provide strong reasons for permanent tenant, I will examine the imperfections of the market and the impact of information in developing countries. Important in the assessment of the following (4) I will determine the whole discussion may be relevant in unscrupulous tenants (in) found some empirical basis for the efficiency of the defect, the narrow perspective of econometric analysis of social relations and the avoidance of doubt existing knowledge property ...
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