Mayan Calendar (Armageddon)

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Mayan Calendar (Armageddon)


Mayan calendar is the name of the calendar that can be very arbitrary. It is not even a calendar, but a system created by people of the ancient Maya Indians who lived in America before the arrival of Columbus. The Mayan calendar is the name given to a set of schedules and calendars created by the Mayan Civilization. The same schedule consisted of three different bills passed while simultaneously:

Sacred Mayan Tzolkin or 260 days

The Civil or 365-day Haab and the Long Count

The Katun, of 144,000 days

Like other pre-Columbian calendars, the Mayan calendar is cyclical. It is repeated in the account of the same dates and same series of years. Account the time since 13 August 3114 BC, and will stop counting on December 21, 2012 AD, ending its cycle time and immediately starting a new one (Aveni, Anthony, pp. 24-41).

The calendars of the Mayans

The Mayans were wise to realize the existence of an order in the sky, which meant that it was favored by the gods. The schools were identified with the celestial bodies and natural phenomena; stimulant was developing a practical aspect of these observations: the development of systems calendar that would allow an adequate adaptation of the cycles of heaven to their social system (Aveni, Anthony, pp. 24-41).

The calendar system of Tzolkin consists of 260 days (kin) and has 20 months combined with thirteen numerals (figures). The Tzolkin combined with the Haab calendar of 365 days of 18 months (uinals) 20 days (kin) each and five additional days uayeb called to form a synchronized cycle lasting 52 or 18,980 Haabs tunes or kin (days) (Boot, Erik, pp. 33-41). The Long Count was used to distinguish when an event occurred with respect to another event of the Tzolkin and Haab. The system is basically vigesimal (base 20), and each unit represents a multiple of 20, depending on its position from left to right in number, with the notable exception of the second position, which represents 18 × 20 or 360 days (Boot, Erik, pp. 33-41).

Some inscriptions of the Mayan long count are supplemented by what is called the Lunar Series, another calendar form which provides information on the lunar phase. Another way to measure the solar cycle time was measured as equinoxes and solstices, Venusians cycles that follow the appearance and conjunctions of Venus early in the morning and evening. Many events in this cycle were considered adverse and malignant, and occasionally wars were coordinated to coincide with phases of this cycle. The cycles are associated with different gods and cosmic events. Thus, the fifth sun represents the end of the stellar cycle associated with the moon and the beginning of the period known as the sixth sun associated with the return of Kukulkan (Braswell, Geoffrey, pp. 39-45).

Thesis Statement

The predictions of the Mayan calendar presented by the Mayan people have been misinterpreted and that the world will not end on the 21st of December, 2012.


Scientists from many countries involved in this issue. They have still not been able ...