Measuring Crime

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Measuring Crime

Measuring Crime

Hate crime is defined as: "A criminal offense (mainly theft, threats, harassment and destruction of property, physical assault, murder) committed against another person with the intent to harm because of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, etc..” There are significant variations in the way that defines hate crimes legislation in the world different. In the U.S, some states include sexual orientation within the criteria for classifying as a hate crime a crime. Some includes physical and mental disabilities. In addition, even some impose higher penalties for crimes motivated by the political affiliation of the victim. One of the major arguments for adopting this law is there to put a stop to the violent hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nation, neo-Nazi groups, etc. Somehow, one could say that a hate crime of genocide would be a drip (Jacobs, 1998).

Should you have a hate crimes law?

Legislative power in our country has been invaded by demagogues who seek to ensure that "protect citizens' increasing all the hardships disproportionately. However, without an effective police investigation of crimes and without a speedy administration of justice, this indiscriminate increases criminal penalties does not really protect anyone. The laws on hate crimes are increased penalties for those commentators, to whom they committed the same crime but not hatred. For example, to steal, who murder a Catholic heterosexual parent would have a small penalty that whoever murdered by a Mormon homosexual hatred. If in itself, and people wrongly imagine that human rights would be the defense of criminals, the discourse of radical fundamentalists in the sense that demand respect for human rights of LGBT people is nothing more than to defend undue privileges acquire new popular, credibility (Jacobs, 1998).

Some illustrative cases

The case of the murderer and kidnapper Raul Osiel Marroquin Reyes, The Sadist, may be illustrative. After being apprehended for their crimes confessed, repulsive and outrageous statements made to the media, such as those killing homosexuals, “did something good for society" as "make it Malee children." If there were a hate crimes law, with such a confession would be closer to getting a higher penalty because of this clear intention to harm.

However, the fact is that The Sadist also called ransom for their victims, making criminal the profit motive was his phone. In the hate crime laws do not include the kidnapping, as can only be applied when ...
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