Mental And Behavioral Health Care

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Mental and Behavioral Health Care

Mental and Behavioral Health Care

Mental and Behavioral Health Care

A natural resistance of health personnel in general, including Mental Health; and population, as opposed to this new approach in our midst, was added factors that hampered the development process of the program, among which prolonged state of war and its economic, social and health. However, the will to continue promoting the work based on the strategy primary care and operational tactics of local health systems, consistent with the guidance of the Conference of Alma Ata in 1978, motivated us to give ourselves to the task of formulating, implementing and give continuity to the National Plan Layer Citation Mental Health in Primary Care, as unobjectionable foundation of our project. Despite having for that purpose with invaluable materials, our Department and the Group of Specialists to Support Mental Health Program concluded that the particular characteristics of the experiences suffered by Nicaraguans to Over the recent years made it necessary to deepen the approach to issues with these, and even include others that were not contained in the material that we had. (Barsky et al, 1992)

Steps Taken to Improve Quality Care

The public is increasingly aware of the value of Mental Health, more and more demands services in relation to their care, also calls for ever more accessible, and attention to be quick. As we saw in the previous chapter (crisis), there are emergency conditions besides the individual in crisis, and these conditions warrant a rapid therapeutic to prevent evil evolve into a serious disruption may lead to a serious, chronic disease or death could be the consequence of not rapid intervention. (Barbarin, 1993)

The taboo that society has of the madness has greatly hampered the approach of patient, he will feel less conflicted if it expresses psychic bodily symptoms; of Similarly, the ...
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