Mentoring And Employees

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Nature of Mentoring and Significance in relation to Employee Learning and Development

Nature of Mentoring and Significance in relation to Employee Learning and Development


Mentoring provides a vehicle for achieving one's Individual Leadership Plan (ILP), meeting the goals of the Multidimensional Administrator's Performance Appraisal (MAPA), increasing employee learning and fostering sustainability within the organization. The administrator's continuous learning and growth in the art of the principal ship are best facilitated by the support and guidance of experienced colleagues. Mentoring, if done properly, will assist administrators in becoming effective instructional leaders and minimize feelings of isolation. A mentor is an experienced expert who partners with an administrator to assist and support the individual in developing leadership skills in a collegial and safe environment. Mentoring refers to the process in which a knowledgeable person willingly guides and advises the other administrator (Allen, et. Al, 2004, 127-136).

This stimulation of endogenous constitutes the specificity of the mentoring process. The accompanying never substitutes the customer in choosing the best behaviour. The accompanying revenue does not dictate the same proven his client. The client is his own coach as the patient is his own therapist. Mentoring is a means to a progression, or accompanying the mentor acts as a catalyst for change. Mentoring is an interpersonal relationship providing support, sharing and learning, in which a person of experience, the mentor invests its Wisdom and expertise to promote the development of another person, the mentee, which skills to acquire and achieve career goals (Lankau, & Scandura, 2002, 779-790). The assistance provided by the mentor is usually paid and is provided as part of a professional relationship that meets the needs of the mentee based on goals related to personal development or professional. When employee give their full potential, they are more likely to become productive, caring and contributing to organization. If we invest in the employees, it will help them become lucrative assets for the company and they stimulate the growth of the economy and will create a workforce made up of responsible citizens (Allen, et. Al, 2004, 127-136).

Employee mentoring highlighting their core values, their vision, guidance and organizational choices beyond a strictly professional or commercial setting are rare. The obvious benefit to employees and trainees is that they are supported throughout the process of formation and improvement of skills, and a sudden rise of professional competence. Important is such factors as a detailed familiarity with the organization, its goals and perspectives of development assistance in solving problems, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the individual employees, and even entire career (Sias, 2008, 35-48). As for mentors, one of the main reasons that experienced workers are taking on this responsibility - is to get pleasure from this role - with all its complexities and additional workload. Mentoring is often an attribute of the delegation, the horizontal part of a career, and, in any case - a sign of credibility in the social hierarchy and trust Management Company (Wenger, 1999, 26-38).

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As Mentors are the role models working ...
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