Middle And Later Childhood

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Middle and Later Childhood


Children are God's blessings that He showers upon us. A family having children is blessed and gifted, while at the same time at risk from dangers outside the home. It is the family's responsibility to take care of the children and provide them with all the comforts of the world. There are a number of practitioners outside the household, which can contribute to safeguarding children from all sorts of potential dangers (Thomas, pp. 264).

"Child Custody" is a legal term used to describe the relationship and obligations between parent and child in view of situations in which both parents of the child does not want more sharing related. This situation can lead to divorce, annulment or separation, in which the children in the relationship cannot live with both parents and should be under the primary care of one of them, who will make decisions for the child and care for him. State courts have jurisdiction to decide whether the child will live with the parent based on the best interests of the child.


Interactions with caregivers and siblings play a critical role in shaping the patterns of behavior and personality of preschoolers. Among the most important of these interactions is the degree of supervision and the child's education, the quality of emotional interactions and the type of discipline used. Some children can be classified as socially and cognitively "competent" at 3 years old, and that the mothers of these children had certain characteristics that contrasted with the mothers of children "incompetent." Mothers of Preschoolers competent seemed to enjoy with their children and talk to them often to a level they could understand.

They allowed their children to develop their autonomy and undertake unreliable medium behaviors, and marked within acceptable limits. Mothers of children who are less incompetent encouraged their children and often behaved as ignoring both are overprotecting their children.

Children raised by permissive mothers are generally dismissive, aggressive, hostile and non-conformist and often reflects criminal behavior later in life. Children raised by mothers-acceptor restrictive tended to be dependent, obedient and conformist. Children raised by restrictive mothers tended to be dismissive, socially withdrawn, inhibited and quarrelsome, and be hostile to them.

The children's interactions with siblings and peers during the preschool period are also extremely important. Younger siblings often try to imitate the behavior of their older siblings can learn important lessons and social and cognitive of these models. Children who are raised with others of the same age during the infant plaintiffs appear to be more independent and assertive, and less conformist than children who have grown alone (Harter, pp. 1).

Social skills in early childhood are quite predictive of later abilities. However, social skills during the preschool years seem they are somewhat susceptible to correction. Caregivers of dependent elderly people differ from each other based on multiple characteristics that make each unique care experience and unlike any other. Most caregivers are family members as they perceive that it is a moral duty which not to be avoided, and there is a social, ...
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