Mobile Service Providers In Saudi Arabia

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Mobile Service Providers in Saudi Arabia

Mobile Service Providers in Saudi Arabia

Table of Content



Demographic characteristics4

Choosing a mobile phone service10

Customer Satisfaction of Mobile service of Mobily16

Satisfaction level of Consumers with Mobily20

Mobile Service Switching behavior21

Customer Satisfaction of Mobile service of STC Al Jawal23

Performance level of Al-Jawal23

Table 9 shows the level of satisfaction with mobile services, Al-Joan. As shown in table 9 and figure 5 below, the most important factor for the participants was more complete coverage (34.20%) and service agents, call centers (22, 8%). less of a factor in the fact that al-Jawal makes it easy to understand and resovle payments (3,5%), Al-Jawal allows customers to their products / services (4.4%) and Al Joan offers the best plan that meets my need (6,10%). From these results we can conclude that the network coverage and billing issues are the most important factors that help organizations keep their customers.23

Satisfaction level of Al-Jawal25

Switching intention for Al-Jawal26

As mentioned in the previous section, even if the service is successfully able to make a large population of subscribers, keeping them still requires great effort and the need to develop long-term strategies. As shown in Table 11, the majority of participants (16,7%) disagreed with the build that they rarely consider switching to another carrier for mobile services. This means that the participants had an open choice to change the existing service, if they do not receive better service than other services.26

Customer Satisfaction of Mobile service of Zain28

Figure 6 explains what important factors helped Zain attract their clients. As shown digit 7 crucial factor he Invites Zain simplifies change service plans (40%) Invites best possible plan which satisfies needs customer (35%) makes customers aware their products / service (30%). Less important factors attract attention clients were fixation problems (5%) rudeness customers representatives of (10%) and high quality voice (15%).29

Switching intention of the customers of Zain30

Cronbach Alpha Analysis32

Summary of the chapter37



Significant findings39

Important components that Influence buyers assortment behaviour41

Theoretical and Managerial Implications45

Limitations of The Study47

Future Research Directions48




Social norms theory stated that the behavior of consumers depends on their perception of social norms (Berkowitz, 2004; Rimal et al., 2005). To examine if and how social norms and types of social norms will influence the use of mobile consumers a choice, descriptive statistics were examined to see how consumer choice behavior such as mobile services depends.

Demographic characteristics

There were a total of 312 participants who volunteered to fill the online form. Among them, 59.6% were male and 40,4% women (Table 1). Most participants (25%) were within the youngest age group (26-30 years), but was only 4.5% of participants less than 20 years. The ratio of respondents over 46 years was 10,3%. Among these 312 participants, the majority belonged to a group of employees (67,3%), and the number of students was 12.2%. Other important groups of unemployed (10,6%), while the lowest participation came from self-employment and pensioners (.6% each). Most participants (37.8%) was less than $ 3999 annual income, and the ratio of those who had ...
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