Moral And Ethical Implications Of Cloning.

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moral and ethical implications of cloning.


The cloning in biology is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects, or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning biotechnology refers to the processes used to create copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or organisms. The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software.

Shortly after the announcement that British scientists had successfully cloned a sheep, Dolly, cloning humans has recently become a possibility that seems much more feasible in today's society. The word clone has been applied to the cells, as well as bodies, so that a group of cells derived from a single cell is also called a clone. In general, members of a clone are identical in their inherited characteristics, i.e. their genes with the exception of differences caused by the mutation.

Identical twins, for example, that are caused by the division of a single fertilized egg, are members of a clone, while non-identical twins, who arise from two separate fertilized eggs are not clones. There are two ways to know that we can clone humans. The first involves splitting an embryo into several halves and creating many new individuals from that embryo.

The second method of cloning a human involves taking cells from an existing human being and cloning them, in turn creating other individuals that are identical to that particular person. With these two methods in our disposal, we must ask two important questions: Do I have to do this, and can we? There is no doubt that many problems involving technological and ethical sides of this question will arise and will be virtually impossible to avoid, but the whole idea of cloning human beings is one we must accept as a possible reality for the future.

Cloning human beings is an idea that has always been regarded as something that can be found in science fiction novels, but never as a concept that society might actually experience. Current technological speed has led to the point where almost anything is possible.

MIT Biology Undergraduate President declares, "I think that cloning a mammal whole has shown me exactly how fast that biology is moving forward, I had no idea we were so close to this kind of achievement." Based on current science, however, most of these dreams and fears are premature, say some biologists at MIT. Many say biologist true that human cloning is something still very far into the future. This raises ethical issues now as to whether or not human cloning, even should try.

There are many problems with cloning humans. A method of human cloning is dividing embryos. The main question of whether or not human cloning is possible through the division of the embryos began in 1993 when the experiment was conducted at the George Washington University Medical Center in Washington DC There, Dr. Jerry Hall experimented with the possibility of human cloning and the moral and ethical ...
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