Motivation And Employee Performance

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Reward, Motivation And Employee Performance


1 What are your reasons for considering this topic/area?

This paper will provide the context for a discussion. It will show that while organisations are investing in reward and recognition programmes, research on the value of such programmes as factors that motivate knowledge sharing has not been explored empirically.

2 What are the aims and objectives of the proposed project?

The purpose of this paper will be, drawing as it does on earlier research, will be to provide the context for a discussion on the use of rewards and recognition programmes in knowledge aware organisations.

3 What are the benefits to the organisation? How will it add value?

The paper will be beneficial for organization suggesting that managers who are relying on rewards and recognition programmes as part of their strategies for cultural change need to support research programmes so that they can be confident that the large amounts of resources they are investing for this purpose will bring the return they think.

4 What resources will you require?

e.g. financial, time, equipment, data access

Note you may find it useful to address element 5 before completing this.

Secondary research will be conducted through a number of sources, including libraries and the Internet. A number of libraries were visited for this proposal and more libraries will be visited for the research study to gather valuable data from textbooks and journals. The Internet will also be a major tool in obtaining relevant information, leading to the search for a number of articles in journals and newspapers from database. To prove the research hypothesis, a survey will be conducted through a three-step process: construction of an item pool, validation of the items, and pilot testing of the items. Also the data will be gathered through various sources out of which some are on line while some are on paper. The outcome of this project would be the results of a content analysis of online resources. The research will involve analyzing the news postings on the web over a period of last and this year. The analysis will consist of reading the title, and body or abstract of each article posted. Then, each article will be qualified and placed in the body of the report, including the research collected.

5 What information will you require and how will you obtain this?

e.g. interviews, questionnaires, visits, benchmarking, literature searches, desk research

Why have you chosen these methods?

The methodology used for the purpose of this research will be based on the secondary data. This research is more or less based on the literature review and the conclusions are drawn on the basis of actual resources listed in the references. The method of investigation used consists of a theoretical framework of secondary data by reviewing the current position of the organization. Using secondary data as a basis for conclusion will therefore be aiming to ensure the reliability and validity of this research by demonstrating how the reward and motivation affects the organization's performance and which new ways do ...
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