Motivation: Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic

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Motivation: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic

Motivation: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic


Motivating employees is one of the most key tasks of successful management. For efficient operation of the enterprise not only to attract and select qualified personnel, a lot depends on the organization of work and motivation of employees. A successful management knows how to motivate employees to use all their talents and abilities, and not just do your job, what encouragement to use and how to remove the employee from his stagnant. These factors include some of the needs of any job: adequate salary, working conditions, and job security and performance benefits. Herzberg said those things were necessary, even before the workers began to be motivated and concluded that there are ten maintenance factors, as follows: the policy and company management; the survival technique; interpersonal relations with supervisor; interpersonal relationships with peers; interpersonal relationships with subordination; salary; safety in the workplace; life; working conditions and position.

Motivation is the driver for the attainment of the goals. It can be intrinsic and extrinsic. Motivation may be required to fulfill specific basic needs, to increase pleasure, to attain desired objectives or it can be related to less-apparent reasons such as selfishness or mortality (Steers, Mowday, Shapiro, 2004). Motivation consists of those factors that may cause, sustain and direct behavior toward a goal. There are several related concepts that are closely related: stimulus: factor able to produce a reaction; incentive: a stimulus that moves or excites outside the subject to want to do a positive thing; interest: the inclination of the subject to certain securities and / or objectives and learning: to acquire new types of behavior or potential.

One can say that motivation is basically the spark that lights up within us, and compels us to reach a goal, causing us to act and behave in a certain way. Psychology, depending on the origin of that "spark", distinguishes two main types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation is that which comes from within. For example, one wishes to perform a task because you are interested, amused, it is a challenge that excites you, curious, and so on.

Extrinsic motivation is one in which the source of our motivation comes from outside. We are not talking here solely of rewards in the form of money, a promotion or social status but also recognition, pressure or even the fear of being fired (Priola, 2004).


Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation comes from within. Intrinsic motivation is a kind of motivation that emerges spontaneously from internal tendencies and psychological needs that motivate behavior without any extrinsic rewards. The motivation can be increased by attributing one's results to internal factors that one can control (e.g. the amount of effort they put in), belief that one can be effective agents in reaching desired goals (i.e. the results are not determined by luck) and are interested in mastering their work (Langton, 2007).

Intrinsic motivation is a very good engine, but it may become the subject of your mood. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that comes from yourself, is the motivation ...
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