Motivation To L2

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Motivation to Study Foreign Languages in the U.S


In this essay, some ideas about the importance of motivation for the study of languages abroad as well as an assessment of the subject from the educational point of view taking into account the major implications within the process of teaching, are discussed. Learning language, specifically in the new conditions, require a thinking creator and transformer of each potential to achieve a success, a classification of the main needs and reasons is proposed that lead students to the study of language as the analysis of the results of some techniques applied.

Motivation to Study Foreign Languages in the U.S


The analysis of the motivation for the study of foreign languages is of vital, practical importance, mainly in America where relationships and enhance partnerships with countries in other regions increasingly and refinement of system requirements is a constant education. This notion is understandable considering that the motivation to study will influence both the efficiency of assimilation of knowledge, skills, training, and capacity building and retention, as in the formation of character, morals and ideological orientation of adolescents and youth.


During, the last decades in America, has increased interest in the motivation to study in Education Superior imperative derived from a social practice; improving the educational process, in order to increase the quality of the preparing graduate (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Under the current conditions facing the higher education, this problem exacerbated with the emergence of new methods and styles of work.

It is clear that the activity of studying a language caused by something foreign and something says that activity with some force or intensity. The study of the motivation for learning the language has always been a concern for specialists both in intrinsic activity for the results derived from it and that can be improved in quality.

The activity of language learning is practical and theoretical consider moving towards objectives related to meeting the needs of the student at any level where these manifest reasons being the impetus for the action of the study to meet these needs. Studying the motivation is important to identify their basic elements, namely its basic constituents on which breeds throughout the development of the motivational process. In, the study of foreign languages, these starting points are the needs and motivation.

The need for a state of the subject is able to cause intellectual activity its role in this regard limited to enable individual and reflected by it in the form of intentions, interests or concerns (Sandrock, 2002). These issues only express the dynamic aspect of needs, without showing any of their specific content. A person may begin to feel the need to learn a language, the presence in the subject of this need active: it reflected as a concern or a concern, but that still does not know how to resolve because it has reflected how I could satisfy her. Under these conditions, the subject is still unable to guide their actions, so you can get to meet the ...
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