National Culture

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How important is “National Culture” to The Practice of Human Resource Management

Table of Contents


Factors of Human Resource Management4


National Culture4

Importance of National Culture with reference to comparative and international HRM6

Impact of National Culture on Human Resource Practices9



How important is “National Culture” to The Practice of Human Resource Management


Human resource is always considered as the company's most valuable and expensive asset that can either make a company's future or break it. This human resource has to be effectively managed, executed and controlled in order to create sustainable businesses. The foregoing argument has now evolved to an entire discipline knows as “Human Resource Management”. The management of human resource focuses on the recruitment of employees that are not only high profiled but also prove to be a quality-human resource in the future. The selection of the right person for the right job is crucial to the success of a global company which also has to keep the cultural difference in mind. The biggest problem of multinational companies is the management of employee diversity in their premises. Since, a multinational company has its operations in a number of countries all over the globe they have employees, who belong to different cultures. It is very important for a multinational to manage the diversity in its employees to make sure that there is no problem among the employees concerning cultural differences. Assimilating employees with different backgrounds have been the latest issue for global businesses. While the companies have to create a positive impression in multiple markets at the same time, it also has the burden to create effective assimilation processes so that employees stay within the organizations for long time periods.

Factors of Human Resource Management

Human resource management practices around the world often influenced by the following two factors: Internal Factor and External Factors. In some cases, human resources often get affected by the factors prevailing inside the firm. Organizational culture, intra organizational conflict, and labour unions are some of the few determinants that have an effect on the human resource practices to a significant extent. Since most of the determinants generated internally, the foregoing factors commonly termed as internal factors. The external factors usually exist outside the organization and most often these have the potential to influence not only the human resource practices but also other operations that an organization frequently executes. It includes national culture, political, technological, economical and governmental factors.

Keeping in mind the primary objective of our essay, we will limit our discussion to the effects and importance of national culture to the practices of human resource management. The following section will include an elaborative discussion regarding the importance of national culture in the current scenario.


National Culture

National culture is referred to as “more than simply a set of customs”. It is a shared set of meanings among community of people who develop a common model from shared experiences. When individuals interact with others sharing the same viewpoint, they assume meanings unconsciously. However, it is only through interacting with someone who views things differently an ...
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