Nelson Mandela

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Nelson Mandela


Racism has been one of the major factors that have resulted in humans not receiving their rights that they deserve. Blacks have been the victims of this common problem racism; they have been discriminated from the whites and have fought for their rights. A major contribution that has been made in the field of letting people fight for their rights and provide them their human rights and treat them equally as others, was by Nelson Mandela who was born in South Africa where the situation was worse than one could imagine (Mandela, 1993).

People were jailed for not drinking water from the fountain that has been assigned to them, although the person worked for the same post as his neighbour however because on the basis of colour of skin had per year income which was less than the income that his neighbour earned. Blacks were told that their way of living and the way their ancestors lived was not the right way, they were not even treated as humans. Nelson Mandela witnessed such situation and instead of being a victim of the unjust government system that prevailed in South Africa he decided to fight for the rights of people that belonged to his race. He was a warrior and a fighter who intended to free South Africa from the unjust system and provide equal human rights (

His work started with the beginning of his political movement called African National Congress he was the leader of the movement and devoted his efforts to support the movement the objective of the movement was to demolish the white-government rule effectively and fight for the human rights of Africans. However Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison this was seen as a ploy by the White South African against Nelson Mandela. Yet, despite of being in prison his work did not stop and he continued to fight as a warrior for human rights (Mandela, 1993).

Thesis Statement

“Racism has been a significant problem since many years which has led to unjust government and unequal human rights; however Nelson Mandela has made significant contributions in the field and has worked as a warrior for human rights”.


Nelson Mandela has been a leader and a warrior his strengths as a fighter and a leader has changed the history of the world. He is considered as one of the most inspirational leaders of the time who worked for human rights. Many of the people considered him as a saint for the sacrifices that he made for his people; he was a massive achiever who worked for human rights ( His greatest contributions were to fight for the independence for the people of South Africa who has been a victim of whites' government rule he ensured democracy in the nations, despite of being in prison for a period of 27 years his strength did not weaken and he was motivated and enthusiastic to serve his people by fighting for humanity and equal rights. He was not only successful ...
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