Network Diagram With Security Features

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Network Diagram with Security Features


In this item, we'll show how to assemble a Precedence Diagram (Project Network Diagram). The steps are:

   1. Specify predecessors and successors, granted a register of project activities.

   2. Arrange the project undertakings in alignment of execution.


Specify Predecessors and Successors Given a List of Project Activities

This is the first step to conceiving a Precedence Diagram (Project Network Diagram). In this step, the project undertaking dependencies are identified (Stallings 2000). The Precedence Diagram (Project Network Diagram) desires to apparently show these dependencies.

While conceiving a register of project undertakings, you require to inquire yourself the next questions:


What project undertakings occur before the undertaking being examined?

What project undertakings can occur at the identical time with this activity?

What project undertakings occur after this activity?


For demonstration, presume you are assembling a lost and the next undertaking register has been defined:

Purchase Wood; Hire Workers; Dig Foundation; Lay Foundation; Harden Foundation Cement; Purchase Plot; Select Design; Assemble Shed; Purchase Paint

Suppose, you are analyzing the Purchase Wood activity. Ask yourself the three inquiries register above (Stallings 2000).

What project undertakings occur before the undertakings being examined? Some undertakings that may happen before the “Purchase Wood” undertaking include: Purchase Plot and Select Design

What project undertakings can occur at the identical time with this activity? Some undertakings that may happen at the identical time as “Purchase Wood” undertaking include: Hire Workers and Purchase Paint

What project undertakings occur after this activity? Some undertakings that may happen after the “Purchase Wood” undertaking include: Assemble Shed.



From the responses, we have very resolute the predecessors and successors of the Purchase Wood activity. Similarly, you can analyze each project undertaking and evolve connections between each one (see the likeness underneath - bang for a bigger view) (Stallings 2000). You will then have table of project undertakings, which furthermore comprise data about predecessors and ...
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