Nobel Laureate Roger Sperry's Work In Split-Brain

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Nobel Laureate Roger Sperry's work in split-brain

Nobel Laureate Roger Sperry's work in split-brain

Nobel Laureate Roger Sperry's work in split-brain


Roger W. Sperry (20th of Aug, 1913 - 17th of Aril, 1994) was a biologist and Nobel laureate who won the 1981 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work with split-brain research.



Before Sperry's experiments, some study clues appeared to show that localities of the brain were mostly undifferentiated and interchangeable. In his early experiments, Sperry showed that the converse was true: after early development, circuits of the brain are mostly hardwired. In his Nobel-winning work, Sperry separated the corpus callosum, the ...
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