Noble Cause / Logic

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Noble Cause / Logic

Noble Cause / Logic


The idea of noble cause corruption best explains the situations where noble cause professionals lack. Nobel cause corruption occurs when an officer willfully bends the rules to attain the result of his own choice. In some situations, officers like policemen and doctors might find it 'fair' to violate a suspect's or patient's right. In the psychology, this phenomenon has been often termed as Dirty Harry Syndrome, indicating some of the pathological basis of professional crimes (Limbaugh 2001). Nobel cause professionals are morally and ethically bound to treat and serve their focus groups especially when if that is necessary to save life. Furthermore, as per rules of their profession, while the doctor can charge fees for any service or treatment provided, it is unethical to claim payment for any false or unnecessary services.



Noble cause violations or noble corruption, in its simplest form, is the abuse of public power for personal interest and gain. Corrupted practices refer to the decisions made by an individual or a group in their self interest that have the potency to harm the stakeholders and related parties. The major problem in identifying corruption arises when a corrupted person makes self serving decisions in the name of public's interest.

Administrative corruption includes acts of bribery, kickbacks or activities in which the authorized person extracts payment, other than legal and mentioned fee, for the approval of the decision or project. Example may include a recruitment officer who takes a certain percentage from the candidate before hiring him or a school principal who approves admission after taking money under the table. Such type of corruption disturbs the resource allocation and deprives the deserved person of his or her rights. It is a monster that snatches from the poor, eats away at governance and morality and shatters trust.

Corruption leaves negative effects in every associated part. It impacts the individual, the company and the economy at large.Durkheim's “The Normal and the Pathological” lays out his theory of the inevitability of deviance in all societies. Durkheim ironically argues that deviance is normal rather than pathological, serving a positive function in society. To achieve the maximum benefit, however, a society needs a manageable amount of deviance. When the numbers of people declared deviant by current moral standards rises or falls too much, society alters its moral criteria to maintain the level of ...
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