Noise As Barrier To Communication In Operating Theatres

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[Noise as barrier to communication in operating theatres]



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This paper is based on the topic of “Noise as a Barrier to Communication in Operating Theatres”. The first chapter introduces the topic, followed by literature review. The third chapter covers the methodology, while the findings are presented in the fourth chapter. The paper concludes with the fifth chapter.

Table of Contents



Background of the Study6

Problem Statement6

Purpose of the Study7

Aims and Objectives7

Rationale of the Study7

Significance of the Study8


Advantages of noise barrier9

Noise barriers design criteria10

Acoustical insulation11

Airflow mechanisms14


Data Analysis18

Noise insulation and ventilation presentation of partition with open aperture19


Screening of apertures22

Treatment of apertures25

Treatment of ducted inlets and outlets29

Passive and reactive treatments29

Active noise cancellation35

Hybrid systems37





Fig. 19. Relationship between SRIroadtraffic and airflow for multiple lined duct inlets each of free 200 mm×200 mm open area with active noise cancellation set in wall facade of SRIroadtraffic 40 dB(A).47

Chapter 1: Introduction

Background of the Study

Noise barriers systems in operating theatres need to have inherently low airflow resistances so that the small pressure differentials utilized to drive them can achieve adequate ventilation rates. Low airflow opposition can be achieved by opening large areas of the building facade but this will have the associated difficulty of significantly decreasing the disturbance insulation of the building fabric. Attempts to treat inlet and outlet openings utilising accepted noise command treatments will generally origin important rises in the airflow opposition and as such will often verify untenable (Allard, 2008).

Problem Statement

The noise barrier schemes, while developing negligible self- noise, will offer little opposition to the ingress of externally developed noise. For these reasons the option of noise barrier will often be restricted to operating theatres in areas of low ambient noise concentration. However, with an expanding trend to exploit noise barrier it is pertinent to gaze at assesses which will render it a viable choice in a broader range of localities including those of higher engrossment such as built-up sites.

Purpose of the Study

This paper concentrates on existing and future techniques to reduce noise ingress into naturally ventilated operating theatres while minimizing airflow path resistance.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of this paper are to study:

The effects of noise barriers in operating theatres.

The advantages and disadvantages of noise barriers in operating theatres.

Rationale of the Study

The acoustical and airflow characteristics of simple apertures are identified and then utilised to develop a procedure of pertaining the acoustical and airflow presentation of a ventilation aperture in a wall. Subsequently, a number of disturbance command schemes which might be directed ...
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