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Nursing Process with Clients in Small Groups

Nursing Process with Clients in Small Groups


Neuman systems model is a conceptual model of nursing developed by Betty Neuman in which individuals and groups are considered client systems made up of psychological, physiological, socio-cultural, spiritual, and developmental variables. The purpose of nursing is to make possible the best possible wellness through attainment, retention, or maintenance of client system stability. This paper is a brief summary of the nursing process with clients in small groups using the Meuman Systems Model.


The Alcohol Addict groups' Assessment and Intervention Model is grounded in Betty Neuman's health care systems model. Neuman is a nursing theorist, and her nursing theory was adapted from individuals to families by Karen Berkey and Shirley Hanson. The theory is grounded in a systems perspective in which the AA groups are seen as a system with subparts in interaction with each other (Wright & Leahey, 2005).

Physical Setup of the Groups:

The physical setup of the group is a room or a hall where members gather. It normally contains a kiosk for coffee, a reading corner with AA related books, chairs arranged in a circle so that everyone can see the other members present in the group.

Criteria for member selection:

There are no specific criteria for member selection in an AA group except for the members being Alcohol Addicts. The only requirement for membership in AA is the desire to stop drinking.

Group membership:

AA members do not pay any entrance or membership fees. It is quite common that in the meeting there are new members. Also, a common thing that is observed in the published materials from the AA groups is that the group members maintain privacy and do not reveal names on their articles, e-mails, or new letters.


The atmosphere of an AA group is normal and friendly. The reason behind this is that AA should feel comfortable sharing their feelings and for their participation in the discussion. It also encourages new members to speak out or contribute to the group discussion.

Structural Characteristics:

There is no hard and fast hierarchy in an AA group, usually there is a moderator or a group leader who opens up the group discussion and encourages every member to participate and share their thoughts with the fellow members so that everyone gets benfited from each other's experience and suggestions.

Verbal and non-verbal Behaviors:

The verbal behaviors that are observed in an AA group are quite casual ...
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