Operations Managers

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Operations Managers

Operations Managers


The key to success for today's Station Manager!

Managing ground operations effectively to ensure the provision of safe, reliable and cost effective handling services, is of paramount importance to the success of an airline. Never has this been more true than today, as the airline industry has become increasingly competitive and its passengers more sophisticated in their expectations. This course will provide you with the wide range of skills and knowledge that a Station Manager must bring to the job, as his role, duties and responsibilities have greatly evolved through the years. (Kenworthy, J R 2004, 62-76)


How You Will Benefit

Acquire the knowledge needed to control and effectively supervise an airline's Station in a self-handled or outsourced environment. Learn how to use Ground Handling and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to suit your Station's handling needs, reduce costs and provide quality service. Prevent Fraud by being knowledgeable about the current methods that fraudsters use to dilute airline revenues. Learn how to implement a Safety and Security Station Management System according to Industry standards and recommended practices (Kenworthy, J R 2004, 62-76)

Understand the importance of maintaining a safe and healthy occupational environment. Gain the skills needed to motivate staff and effectively monitor their performance.

There are many airline professionals responsible for a portion of this perfection. Ticket agents work hard to find the right flight match for each of their customers. Security personnel make sure that everyone is safe from harm from another person, taking one more burden off of the average traveller's mind. Pilots spend hundreds and thousands of hours in the flight deck, learning how to provide the best flight possible to all of their passengers. However, one group of professionals is often overlooked in orchestrating perfection in the airline industry. (Kenworthy, J R 2004, 62-76)

Operations managers and the airline industry

Operations managers make sure that every aspect of the flight process goes off without incident. These professionals work with airlines or airports in order to co-ordinate services with other airlines and vendors within the airport. Managers often oversee a team of dozens of assistants, who work around the clock to help customers and airline professionals find the middle ground that is needed for customer service. These professionals usually rise from the ranks of the operations assistants in the airport but take on a broader range of responsibilities in their management role. (Kenworthy, J R 2004, 62-76)

what are the challenges facing the businesses in the industry

Airlines are faced with the challenge of cutting costs and streamlining operations while at the same time having to address increasing regulations around EHS and climate change. Airline companies also face a particular challenge due to widely dispersed operations, usually covering many countries. To meet these challenges, it is imperative to have cost-effective systems in place that can help demonstrate clear compliance visibility and offer increased control over environmental data.

(Kenworthy, J R 2004, 62-76)

IHS environmenal software provides a cost-effective solution for managing regulatory requirements, cap and trade programs, and other environmental ...
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