Organisational Culture

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Organisational culture

Organisational Culture

Understand the perceptions, attitudes, motivations and behavior is extremely important to achieve both management and organizational effectiveness. To get the best people in the workplace, managers need to constantly know the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations, but should also be aware of the organizational and environmental variables that can affect human behavior. They need to understand, anticipate, modify and improve organizational behaviors that are meaningful and relevant.The contribution of the people, through their motivation and commitment and dedicated behavior toward goals and objectives of the organization, being the most important factor in making the best and most effective organizations. Some people like their work and work harder and smarter as. They are also very proud of the organizations they work for. Other people just do not like their work and would do anything to avoid working. Also prefer, if given the option to leave organizations where they work. These attitudes and behaviors are not uncommon. They have a direct bearing on the question of motivation at work.

Administrators should use the sophisticated knowledge of the motivation of individuals to influence human behavior in the right direction. Managers are always waiting for higher levels of performance and employee productivity. Is expected to ensure that employees are committed and dedicated to their work. Motivate employees, therefore, an important responsibility for managers and their effectiveness is closely related to the question of motivation. Therefore, the understanding and management of motivation is of interest to administrators and any person charged with the task of working with and through people to achieve certain goals and objectives. Principal means influencing the behavior of others working to achieve organizational goals. The energy of an organization comes from the motivation of their workers. Consequently, managers should use various methods of motivation focuses on individual needs, thought processes involved in the decision whether or not to expend effort and arrangement of reinforcement and rewards. The motivation is not itself behavior. We can infer the presence or absence of motivation by examining the behavior of people in a given context. Some behaviors are desirable and encouraged. Other types of behaviors are undesirable and not be encouraged. Some of the factors that explain the presence of undesirable behavior due to a lack of motivation. The responsibility of people who are handling the issue of motivation is to activate the process of motivation in individuals.

The concept of motivation can be viewed from two perspectives:

From the point of view of human behavior (ie, what makes a person invests a certain amount of effort and enthusiasm to make a piece of work).

From the point of view of managing human behavior (ie, as a management concept to be understood and applied by managers to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in working with employees).

Put simply and directly, the motivation has to do with the following issues:

Employees who try to find answers to questions like: What are my needs and desires? How strong are they? What steps should I take to meet my needs ...
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