Organization Hierarchy

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Organization Hierarchy

Table of content


Organizational Hierarchy3

Two forms of Hierarchical Organization4

Chain Of Command5

Level of Management6


Human Resource Management10

Development in Human Resource Management11

Control Management in an Organization12

Principle of Control System13



Organization Hierarchy


Organizational Hierarchy

The most important principle of the structural organization in multilevel dynamical systems, it is characterize by the cross-correlation, and the subordination of processes at different levels of the system and ensuring its functioning and behavior in general. Notions of hierarchy levels are based on the idea of the internal structure of systems and processes. Structure and function of the processes at the higher levels are built on structures and processes underlying level, providing them with regulation and self-organization (Slocum, 2007).

A hierarchy is necessary for unity of direction. But lateral communication is also essential, while the superiors know that communication is happening. Staggered chain refers to the number of levels in the hierarchy from the highest authority to the lowest level of the organization. There should be extensive or consist of too many levels. The concept of hierarchy comes from the words Greek (George, 2009).

In the field of administrative organization, the multiplicity of bodies that make it necessary to establish, for the sake of unity, a sort of all of them through a series of relations of subordination and dominance, in order to submit the organ that is located on the top of the organization concerned. In this arrangement called hierarchy, the governing bodies have the power to direct hierarchical, sort and inspect the behavior of the lower. In the hierarchy is presented line and grade (Champoux, 2010).

Two forms of Hierarchical Organization

There are two extreme forms of hierarchical organization: the hierarchy, based on the principle of rigid determination, and a hierarchy based on the principle of probability (chance).

The first means that all parameters of each of the structural levels are strictly related to the unique parameters of the other levels. This form of hierarchical organization characterized by the processes of governance in society. If, in a collective, organized on the principles of rigid determination, one of the individuals entitled to the initiative, the functioning of this group is possible due to the suppression of all the initiatives of other individuals. In the presence, of the initiative at least two members of the team functioning to be paralyzed,, because the initiative has certain distinct and independent actions and decisions. Often, a hierarchy of understanding is such a tough organization. (, 2012)

Second feature of the limiting form of hierarchical organization is that their elements; their state and behavior are independent, are not defined and does not correlate with each other. The unity of these systems gives the external circumstances, the external environment. Integral characteristics of the systems are not determined by the specific behavior of each element, and programs, the structure of its possible states and behaviors (, 2012).

Real hierarchical systems include both hard, clearly defined dependence, as well as mobile, labile relationships, preserving the independence of the individual subsystems and components, contain many levels. Each level is characterized by self-organization with a special structure, each act-specific ...
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