Osha "egregious" Violations


OSHA "Egregious" Violations

OSHA "Egregious" Violations

Established in the mid-1980s? the "egregious violations" policy instructs OSHA inspectors to cite employers for multiple violations of the same standard where the employer has demonstrated one or more of the following characteristics: (1) persistently high rates of illness/injury or fatalities; (2) extensive history of prior violations; (3) intentional disregard of health and safety responsibilities; or (4) bad faith (a plain indifference to standards or requirements). (Cowie? 1987? 260-262) OSHRC Docket No. 93-3270? concerns general duty clause violations? and in Secretary of Labor vs. Caterpillar? Docket No. 87-0922? involving violations of the standard on recordkeeping. ...
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