Our Picture Of The Universe

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Our Picture of the Universe


Modern astronomers claim to have proven that our universe contains a multitude of black holes, which are massive stars that have collapsed into singularities of infinitesimal size. A burning star is only able to stabilize its shape because the outward force of its radiation (heat, light etc.) mediates the attractive force of its gravity. When a massive star stops burning, the force of gravity becomes so vast that not even the densely-packed mass can support itself and as a result, the star instantly compresses in size until it shrinks to the size of a pinhead, then to the size of a microbe, and finally to the size of an atom. This division is known as infinite density and this point is referring to as the singularity. In this theory, an event horizon is a spherical boundary in space time surrounding a black hole, beyond what cannot affect an outside observer, and from which light cannot escape. According to general relativity, the universe at the state of the Big Bang (13.7 billion years ago) was also a singularity (Castelvecchi, 14). This paper discusses the scientific theories about the shape of the earth.

There are many theories that might explain why the earth is near round in shape. However, there might be some other beliefs which can prove that it is smoother than a snooker ball. But the way to think about this is to try to imagine what it would be like if Mount Everest was twice as high. Would it stay up? The sheer weight of it would probably make it sooner or later crumble and end up with it being less high. So, in the end, the earth would end up being about as round as it currently is. Incidentally, it has been said that the ...
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