Parents Traits In Partners

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Do We Look for Our Parents Traits in Our Partners?

Do We Look for Our Parents Traits in Our Partners?


It has always been interesting that people search for several qualities of parents in their life partners, but simply how factual is this concept? My analysis is that yes, we do look for parent traits in our partners. We do all become parents finally, and as they found each other through love certainly we would look for some characteristics in a spouse which our parents would seek.

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, people have assumed that personality traits affect what happens in close relationships. Indeed, many contemporary relationship models reserve a special place for how individual difference factors might affect both daily relationship function and long-term relationship quality. Although some say that there would have been definite things whilst growing which have upset you about your parents, and by itself it is a common sense to suppose you would look to dismiss these memories you have of them and search for somebody who did not have these features. It amounts to the whole nurture versus nature theory which we recognize much but in its association to what sort of people we are concerned with I suppose it to only be personality traits as oppose to physical. This paper discusses if we look for our parents traits in our partners or not and if yes than how and why.


Positive traits attributes our parents may have, are character traits that we will look for in a relationship. If we have been brought up in a manner that means we are good with money we may look for a relationship in which this can be improved. However if your traits type leads you to be disobedient there is no reason to believe that you wouldn't look for a relationship that steers you away from this environment. It very much depends on what type of environment you were brought up in, as well as what type of personality you have in order to establish exactly what you are going to look for in a relationship. And these factors will lead you to a conclusion of whether we really do end up with partners that remind us of our parents, or hold certain attributes that they have. (Hendrix 2007)

Individuals' relatively stable and enduring characteristics (e.g., personality traits and attachment styles) influence their relationships. There is ample evidence, for example, that trait anxiety or neuroticism, which involves being prone to negative moods and being emotionally labile, is associated with dissatisfaction and divorce. A complete review of the literature on personality in marriage is beyond the scope of this chapter; however, two points are important here.

First, although there are now well-documented associations between certain personal qualities and marital dissatisfaction and/or divorce, very few investigations have studied the processes underlying such associations. The research that does exist suggests that the association between personality traits and the emotional climate of marriage is varied ...
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