Pastoral Care Communiy Services

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Pastoral Care Communiy Services


PRCN will provide thriving communities that provide high quality care, are financially healthy, continue to grow and provide expanded senior services, and enrich the lives of seniors through Christian principles.


PRCN is an organization founded on Christian values characterized by integrity, charity, grace, respect, openness and acceptance, servant hood, stewardship, and quality that provides life fulfillment for residents, their families, and team members.


We provide gracious communities and services enriching lives for seniors with care, openness and acceptance as Jesus taught.


Reflecting on the ancient word spirit, May (1982) argues that the word implies mind energy and love. The word spirituality goes further and describes an awareness of relationships with all creation, recognition of a presence and a purpose that makes sense. Unlike today, there are only a few generations we did not attempt to distinguish tion between spirituality and religion, the latter focusing on structures, rituals and doctrines. While religion and medicine were virtually inseparable for thousands of years, the advent of science created a chasm between the two. The term Spirituality is a contemporary deck that recreates the relationship. In this paper, the word spirituality includes the concept of religion, spiritual care includes pastoral care. According to health care institutions, providers of spiritual care is called moderator or facilitator of pastoral, pastoral agent or officer or chaplain.

Spirituality is proof that people are not just organizations that have be- careful mechanical treatment. People tend to spirituality in order to maintain their health, to cope with illness, trauma, loss and life transition in a way that integrates body, mind and spirit. Therefore, when experience periods of crisis, people often use spirituality as way to cope (Pargament, 1997). Many people believe that the spiritual tuality may help to heal (McNichol, 1996) and 82 per 100 Americans believe in healing power of personal prayer (Kaplan, 1996) and uses it, or other practical spiritual questions when they are sick. Some people participate in events with a spiritual community Religious and resort to traditional religious practices.

Practices, beliefs and values ??are a reflection of the traditions related to their belief religious. These people can pray, read sacred texts and observe individual rituals or collectives that are unique to their tradition. Religious beliefs can foster or prohibit certain behaviors that affect health care. For others, spirituality is lived out of communities and traditional religious practices tional. However, all questions and share deep existential needs. Plu- several people within and outside traditional religious structures, report deep experiences: transcendence, awe, admiration, joy, communication tion with nature, themselves and others. When illness strikes, all seeking to give meaning to their lives and hope. Support to people affected with similar situations is part of spiritual care because their search for begs questions of a spiritual such as: Why am I on earth? Why am I sick? Will I die? What will happen to me when I'm going die? Institutions that neglect the spiritual dimension in their mission statement or in providing daily care may become garage ...
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