Pathologies Of The Human Body

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Pathologies of the Human Body

Pathologies of the Human Body


Pressure or Bed Sores

Pressure or Bed Sores develop when someone is likely to have sustained pressure. For instance, someone in a wheelchair may have developed such sores on their tailbone, buttocks, shoulder blades, spines, or presumably the back of arms and legs that were supported by the chair. Symptoms include:

misplaced muscle on parts of body that do not enough muscle or fat for cushioning;

Paralyzed organs or portions of the body that are suffering from long illnesses that are immobile.

Vulnerable areas include spine, tailbone, shoulder blades, hips, heels, or even elbows.


Cellulitis or more focally called cellulite implies the hampering of the dermal layer of the skin. They are generally caused on your legs or arms, but has no jurisdiction that it may occur evidently on only such parts of the skin; it may appear anywhere in the body area. Symptoms of this disease include:

Bumps on the infected skin area that pours pus. You also may have bruises or blisters on the infected skin.

Bumpy, raised skin that feels like an orange peel.

Fever (high body temperature) with or without shaking chills.

Feeling like you are sick, such as with the flu.

Red streaking (line) on your skin from the area of your infection.

Swollen lymph nodes (small lumps of tissue in your body that help you fight infection).

Weakness and dizziness.

Skeletal System


Rickets are caused most commonly because of lack of calcium necessary and vital for use during the mineralization and growth of the bone structure. Vitamin D deficiency is the root cause of rickets to prominently take place in the human body. The most common symptoms occur in the arms and legs, where stress developed can cause bowing, leading to pain or even dissolution of bone marrow, ultimately causing bones to become gel.

Simple Fractures

Symptoms of the fracture are generally marked with soreness and pain that escalates with attempted movement or usage of the swollen or effected area at the involved site. Skin may show signs of going blue or pale with an apparent deformity present.

Muscular System

Achilles Bursitis

Rooting from the famous idiom 'Achilles' Heel', the disease is located in the ankle and caused by wearing stiff, hard high heels. The rigid high heels aggravate the heel bone, pertaining to initiate extremely and utterly painful irritation of a common heel bone deformity. Runners on track who wear stiff ...