Paul Who Becomes Disabled

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Paul Who Becomes Disabled

Paul Who Becomes Disabled

The Case of Paul, Who Becomes Disabled

The major issues in facing diversity are to manage all the work prior to take leave. As his work has become an important asset for an organization, he has to do the entire task himself by putting extra efforts. He has been facing serious injuries and cannot work for full time. He also faces issues even if he works at home.

Paul is dedicated, and hard-working person that is why, he is cautious about his performance. In order to maintain his performance, he takes the decision of working at home. This shows his dedication towards his work and organization.

As far as Paul disease concerns, it is getting serious now, and he should go on leave as health is only factor that helps maintain the performance, and energy of any individual. His decision of working at home is quite acceptable because his reason is genuine and organization must understand his case (Colker, 2005).

This is indeed a rare case because he is one of the key employees of the foundation. Paul work includes tracking donations and generating the foundation's budget reports and income statements. This requires deeper and technical skills which can be managed by Paul. This is only his dedication that despite being severe illness of liver failure, he is offering his services. Organization must understand his condition and cooperate with him as much as it can. The foundation should provide him all the resources which he needs to run his functions at home.

If I were Claudia, I would be considering the seriousness of issue, should cooperate with him. I would provide him with all the resources that could make his work easy at home. This would benefit the organization in return as all the key issues solves by Paul.

Compare the ADA and the ADEA

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA), legislation to adapt to American society regarding persons with disabilities, adopted in the United States in 1990. Fifteen years later, in 2005, the Disability Act came into being in France, defining for the first time the very term "disability" and reaffirming the principle of non-discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace. The French law has been influenced by international and European law. The person with disabilities is now considered eligible because ADA protects against discrimination to enable full integration in the workplace (ADA, 2004).

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