Pcos Symptom: Skin Problems

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PCOS Symptom: Skin Problems


PCOS causes several skin-related symptoms, including oily skin, adult acne, skin tags, and dark, velvety skin patches known as acanthosis nigricans. The intent of this page is to provide a general orientation to these various skin conditions, as well as discuss their common causes and remedies. The cause of skin-related PCOS symptoms is an imbalance in male sex hormones, with an underlying cause of insulin resistance.

Keywords: PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Polycystic Ovaries, Ovarian Cyst, PCOD, Insulin Resistance, PCOS Skin, PCOS Symptoms, PCOS Hormones

Table of Contents


Statement of the Research1

Description of the Data1

PCOS- A Big Issue3

Research Methodology4

Research Limitations4





PCOS Symptom: Skin Problems

Statement of the Research

PCOS causes several skin-related symptoms, including oily skin, adult acne, skin tags, and dark,velvety skin patches known as acanthosis nigricans. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder hormone affecting around 6% of women of reproductive age. It is highlighted by both endocrine and gynecological symptoms, including chronic anovulation, the metabolic syndrome, and hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance. It is considered that PCOS women are trapped with afflicted emotional well-being and obviously condensed quality of life. In fact, several studies reveal that a portion of PCOS patients are going with psychopathology and performing some abnormal behavior. PCOS also leads to changing skins. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a problem of disorder of women's hormones. This duration causes difficulties with your periods and finds it difficult in getting pregnant. It can also change shape of your body and your look. If proper attention is not given to it, it leads to severe health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Description of the Data

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the powerful diseases that, astonishing to many, has the power to impact a wide part of system of a body. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) no doubt has the ability to change a person's skin that is how it feels and how it look likes- in a way other people tend to evaluate it. It does not only lead to women embarrassment that are experiencing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), in fact, it also produces an issue from which they cannot hide themselves. Women may ignore the pain they get in their abdomen or the abnormality of their menstrual cycles, but having a severe impact in due of skin breaks out with defects on face, really turns to be irritating, which is really an unavoidable sign that something is not doubted wrong.

Culprit for this hormones disorder is Insulin Resistance, which occurs when the body is unable to bind to the cell and make receptors come to the surface that will enable glucose, or blood sugar to go in to the cell to be converted into energy. As due to sensitivity of the endocrine system, this imbalance can lead to other. When it leads to above average level of androgens in a female, it is known to be Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POCS).

Hormones are to be considered as chemical messengers that activate many, various processes, such as growth and energy ...
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