Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

College is a time when young individuals open their minds to new ideas and possibilities. They work to carry forward and fulfill their ambitions by pursuing them with zeal, and aided by hard work. In my opinion, the will to actively pursue a goal is the pre-requisite to success. I can say this safely because since the beginning, my philosophy has been to work hard and work smart. The knack for working hard to achieve goals, complemented by the relentless pursuit to fulfill my desire to join the field of international education puts me in line for this scholarship in University of Washington, Seattle. It has been regarded as one of the finest institutions in several disciplines and I believe that my decision to enroll in it will greatly increase my chances of becoming the sort of professional who would contribute massively to society. I have had this aim for as long as I can remember. In order to succeed in any desire, certain requirements need to be met which enable an individual to achieve their targets. In the very high competition of modern world, one must be equipped with the knowledge, experience, and ambition to become a successful person in the world. It is my goal of life to gain knowledge with my strong ambition to study at University of Washington, Seattle. My ambition to get admission in this University of Washington, Seattle is one of the successful elements of my desire to be a successful learner. I have been a brilliant student throughout my academic career.

Academic History

I am an ardent student, who is willing to pursue a career in communication, and to accomplish this purpose I opted communication subject to study. Currently, I am enrolled in a community college, however, with this statement I want to express my interest to transfer to University of Washington, Seattle for the same course. I started my academic career in China, Beijing before moving to America where I am currently studying in a community college. I am described as intelligent and bright students by my teachers and fellow class mates in the college, not because my reports are good, but also because of active participation in classroom. I have sound academic history by now, and I am fully optimistic to continue my academic success. College is a time when young individuals open their minds to new ideas and possibilities. They ...
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