Phase 2 Ip

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Phase 2 IP

Phase 2 IP


When approaching a customer, client, consumer or investor, one of the biggest hurdles is to make sure both parties understand what is going on. At times, the client may not understand why the service provider is going through certain procedures and may even feel that his times, and money, are being wasted. The job of the service provider is to make sure his client understands that certain tasks and procedures are crucial to ensuring the success of the project.

Creating or setting the framework for any research is the first step towards conducting a beneficial and a thorough research. It helps the researcher ensure that at the later stage the research does not get out of hand. With that being said, the purpose of this paper is to better explain what constitutes to an adequate and worthy research project. This will be done by briefly explaining the factors and constituents of research. In other words, the contents of this paper can be used to better explain research strategy to clients, overseers and if needed, investors.


Selecting a Research Topic

Selection of a research topic is a very important task when proposing a research. It is often recommended that the subject should be chosen as per the personal interests of the researcher. The primary reason for doing is so is the belief that an individual is more likely to excel in the field of their interest as compared to that which they do not care as much about. If an individual has absolutely no interest in hockey, they are more likely to misconstrue information or overlook valuable information. Similarly, if the same individual comparatively more interest in soccer, they are more likely to understand statistics, aggregates, importance of resting players, coaching strategy, the importance of passing or holding out for a potential counter attack.

Secondly the subject should be chosen which has a need for exploration. Reiterating, science is an extremely vast field and there is much to be learned. The general population may believe that science has answered all questions that exist, but a more suitable statement might be that with every answer, we effectively create further questions. New research is a great way to enhance our way of life, improve communities and better understand how to function as a united civilization. Also it should have extensive relevant background research to help the researcher (Pajares, 2007).

Importance of Purpose Statement

The purpose statement is usually either one or two lines or a short paragraph highlighting the purpose of conducting the research. The brief nature allows readers, clients and investors to grasp an understanding as to the purpose of the endeavor. The purpose statement is essential to a proper research proposal. It hints at why the research is being undertaken and also provides insight into whether or not the individual tasked with the responsibility of undertaking the research understands the task at hand or whether or they do not. This can be the first inclination as to what path the ...