Policy Change In Nursing Documentation

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Policy change in nursing documentation

Policy change in nursing documentation

Health care industry and nursing practice is strictly regulated by both federal and state laws. However, for purposes of documentation, the state laws to outline some principles to be followed in a particular state practice. State laws that are specific to nursing practice, commonly referred to as acts of nursing practice and related rules and regulations. The purpose of withdrawal of any state practice act as it relates to the documentation the same across the country: to provide clear and accurate picture of the patient while under the supervision of the medical team. State law mandates a common goal such as this, and leaves details of health care institutions, specialty organizations, and practice groups. For example, the ED nurse is guided first by state law, the institutional policies and procedures, and then the specialty organizations such as the Emergency Nurses Association. The first rule of documentation for any nurse to know the governing laws in the state of practices, policies and procedures for the establishment of practices and guidelines applicable specialty organizations. It is important to note that when the state law and institutional policies are in conflict, state law trumps the institution. Specialty guidelines for the practice are not legally binding, but they create a standard of care for patients in specific circumstances. This standard of care may be used to establish that the duty nurse must have been in a situation for which the court is going on. Gold standard, which is used to determine what steps nurses should have been: "What would a reasonable and nurses have done in the same or similar situation?"

Tips Nursing are state regulatory agencies with a mission to "protect and promote human welfare by ensuring each person who is licensed as a nurse in a state competent to practice safely." The Board of Nursing rules that nurses can find information about permits, practices, and disciplinary processes and an explanation of "gray areas" through the position statements. Nurses should adhere to the nursing practice act and the Board of Nursing rules that keep the force of law and practice to the level of their knowledge and skills to intervene / act on behalf of patients at all times, as set forth standards of professional care. Part of this duty to the patient to provide complete and accurate reporting and documentation.

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