Positive Effects Of Divorce On Children

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Positive Effects of Divorce on Children


The word divorce is not been considered good in our society and number of parents remain together despite of differences and fights, because society does not appreciate this action. Separation of parents may affect the lives of children but if living together resulting in fights and arguments that will also impact negatively on children. A child might start feeling that all the marriages result in fights and disagreements and same will happen in his or her future live. These kinds of thoughts develop the character of a child negatively. In my view separation is not a bad decision if it is been taken for the better future of children and the parents themselves.


Although we can argue that divorce is a positive action if it comes to the family future but we do not know what a child is thinking about this 7 letters word. Most of the children initially start thinking that they are root cause of divorce. The adolescents think that they did not behaved well, that is why their parents are taking separations. Teenagers feel that their future is going to be unsafe and their friends will be laughing at them. These kind of misconceptions need to be eradicated and it is a duty of the parents. Few things are important to be followed by parents and that are:

Keep Children Out Of the Couple's Conflict

The degree of parents' ability to solve their marital conflicts in their relationships with their children plays a role. The ongoing conflicts have more devastating than the failure itself. Five years later, 30% of children still live in a climate of conflict. Avoid using the child as a spokesperson and do not make him a part of your conflicts rather try to explain him the logical aspects.

Need To Be Informed By Both Parents, Preferably

You must need to talk about the common causes for the father and mother, be honest and frank without overwhelming details, considering the age of the child, and encourage the child to ask questions whenever he feels the need during this period of conflicts. The child shall hear again and again that he is not responsible for this failure.

Need to be reassured about the love of each parent

Fear of being abandoned leads to the need to hear that they still have two parents who love them even though they inhabit, now, 2 different locations. Children are part of the separation process and need a constant reminder of their existence. There should be a separation of parents but not of the parental love (Marks, 652).

Need To Love Both Parents Freely

Children must not be pressurized to choose one parent and placed in a position to take sides of one parent only. Now this should be up to children that with whom they want to live and their decisions must not be influenced by any of the parent. Once these needs are fulfilled the other needs will come later after long time.

Need To Recognize The Permanence Of Divorce

The child must realize the affirmation of ...
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