Positive Outcome Of The Dare Program

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Positive Outcome of the DARE Program


DARE provides children with the important tools to help them resist drugs, promote responsibility, resist peer pressure and, more important, how to live a productive, drug and violence-free life. This education is provided by the local police departments and is largely funded through donations and fund raising. DARE is a program that is created in the United States in 1983. The word DARE is the acronym in English: Drugs Abuse Resistance Education and we call "Preventive Education against Drug Abuse". The DARE program aims to educate schoolchildren about the dangers of drugs. It is taught through lectures and presentations by spokespersons in local schools. Created in 1983, in Los Angeles, California, DARE provides special school children the skills they need to resist social pressures may encourage them to try tobacco, alcohol or other drugs (The D.A.R.E. Program: a review of prevalence, user satisfaction, and effectiveness, 1994).

DARE is a 100% preventive program whose main objective is to eliminate or drastically slow down the consumption of snuff and illegal drugs in students who take complete the program. By definition DARE is an apolitical and non-profit projecting long term, shared responsibilities and commitments between the company and the municipal government.

The DARE Program secondary objectives are:

To help students understand the risks and physical, emotional, social and legal aspects of alcohol, snuff, marijuana and inhalants on your brain and your body (still in development)

To help students expand their knowledge about the variety of positive things that can make your school and community, this does not include the use of harmful substances.

To help students understand that the strategies of rejection and learn solid communication skills and assertiveness and resistance skills and be able to apply them appropriately in a variety of conditions attached to reality.

The principle underlying this program is very simple: attack the serious problems of

drug abuse.


The DARE program provides children and young people reliable and truthful with the intention of these, once you have such information, backed by their own intelligence and will, conclude that drugs and violence are harmful and disruptive elements in their lives and decide to get away from them. One feature that is unique about the DARE program is being conducted exclusively by municipal police officers previously selected and trained. This training is provided gradually, according to seniority and personal growth DARE Officer, to deliver the program at different educational levels. Another important feature of the DARE program is that every student who attends the "DARE Lessons" to receive, free of charge, a copy of the workbook that is used to deliver the program. DARE is a registered trademark, so that the graphic image, and program regulations are strictly required at the global level, seeking to ensure the quality of implementation. The DARE program has two basic functions: a promotion in children and adolescents the skills for making decisions that contribute to the prevention of the use and abuse of legal and illegal drugs and violence. And two, train parents and school vacation time, working with school youth, ...
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