Post-Structural Approach To Narrative Analysis

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Post-Structural approach to narrative analysis


Post-Structural approach primarily includes intellectual development of certain mid-20th century French and continental philosophers and theorists. Movement is difficult to generalize, but can be broadly defined as a set of different responses to structuralism, which argued that human culture can be understood as a series of signs or symbols, or, in other words, that human culture can be understood through the structure - modeled on the language - a separate organization from both the reality and the organization of ideas and imagination -. "third order" The exact nature of the review or critique of structuralism differ with the author of the post-structuralist, although common themes include the rejection of the autonomy of institutions, argues that structuralism and the questioning of binary oppositions that represent these structures. Writers whose work is often characterized as a post-structuralist include Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Julia Kristeva.

Movement is closely related to postmodernism. Like structuralism, humanism as a rejection of enlightenment theme, often a central tenet. Existential phenomenology significant impact, one commentator claimed that post-structuralists might just as well as to call "post-phenomenologists."

Some argue that the term "post-structuralism," appeared in the Anglo-American Academy as a means of grouping together of the continental philosophers, who rejected the methods and assumptions of analytic philosophy. Further disputes must how weakly bound thinkers tend to dispense with theories claim to have discovered the absolute truth about the world. While such ideas are generally relevant only to the metaphysical (eg, metanarratives of historical progress, such as dialectical materialism), many commentators have denigrated the movement of a relativistic, nihilist, or just condescending to the extreme. Many so-called "post-structuralist 'writers rejected the label and do not manifest.

Discussion and Analysis

Post-Structural approach is an eclectic school of thought that a significant influence in literary and cultural theory in the 1970 and 1980. It arose as a reaction against the requirements of the 1960's French structuralism to scientific rigor, objectivity and validity. Structuralism has convinced many theorists that the key to understanding the culture is to systematize the relationship of language to language. Based on the theory of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, the French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, and Russian formalism, structuralists found the key to the literary and cultural analysis of phonemes, units of sound sense only because of its differences from other phonemes. Phoneme model elements in the cultural systems which are derived from the meaning and contrasts with other elements. Structuralists define the meaning of no correlation with the external reality, but by analyzing its function in the autonomous, culturally constructed code. Linguistic meaning is often installed through a binary opposition, or contrast of opposites, such as cold compared to hot and nature versus culture. Critic, who under-stands the basic rules or "language" of the determination of individual utterances understand meaningful combinations and variations.

Post-structuralism was in part a reaction to the claim of structuralism to a full and objective investigation of every cultural phenomenon. This movement in the opposite direction denies the objectivity of linguistic and ...
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